Just got my Mesa F-50 and have a problem!!?


New member
I just purcahsed a Mesa Boogie f50 and the clean channel, with no volume from the guitar, make a really loud hissing noise, almost so loud that when I will record it will be just as audible as the guitar.

Is this normal, or is there a defect with the amp itself, I thought it would make some noise but this is a little ridiculous.

also the distortion channel doesn't make half the hiss, ... weird..

thanks for the help...
Did you buy it new or used? New, then I'd take it back and get another, if used it may have a bad tube or two. I hope you figure it out, Mesa's are amazing in the studio.
I got it new at Long and McQuade....

Ya it is pretty amazing sound, I have a 70's strat and it is sweet on there, I think I am going to get some lace sensors to improve my sound even more..
Have you tried a different guitar? My strat through my Mesa is kind of noisey when it's not playing. Les Pauls seem pretty quiet, but thinking about it, it is one of my more noisey amps. My advice though would be to take it to the store and let them hear it, see what they have to say. Awesome amp though, great buy!
I own that amp and love it. It doesn't make that hissing noise that you are talking about at all. I am using a schecter c1 xxx guitar with two seymore duncon humbuckers. I would definately take it to the shop. Do you play any metal? Also, what distortion sound do you like better with or without the contour switch on? That amp has the perfect clean sound. That's the clean sound i've always wanted to have and now I have it :cool:
When you get it all worked out do me one favor. Do not wrap your amp up in blankets to try to keep it quieter. Good ole eric above me tried that and it didn't work out so well. It's now called the eskimo process and should only be used with solid state amps. No more eskimos, right eric?
lol. No eskimos. I don't even shut the closet door all the way any more. I realized I don't have to crank the amp to 11 to get a good tone. I actually think it sounds better at around 10 o clock. Although the amp does look sexy in the eskimo outfit. :D