Just got an email from DFH


New member
Maybe all you guys know about this...I don't actually own DFH, but I'm registered in their forums...they sent me an email saying they were looking for beta-testers for DFH 2. I certainly don't fit in their category of what they consider a useful beta-tester, but I bet many of you are.

I'll forward the email if anyone's interested, or it may be advertised on their site. PM me if you want the forward. If y'all already know about this, sorry!

Hey Musart...

Just to let you know...they sent me a rather long email, and I don't think they talk about this at all on their website. You may want to have me forward that to you...they have a lot of things they are looking for in a beta tester. Needless to say...I fail at them all.

If you want it Send me a line here, and I'll forward it.

See y'all.
shit, I deleted it. :)

Just tell them someone referred you...they had a shit list of things. But, they want someone who will really use the hell out of it, and would be interested in hearing some samples of your current work/projects.

Sorry about that! I meant to keep it for all you guys, but I accidentally deleted, and I have my email program set to dump the deleted folder every time I close it.

Thanks again,