Just getting in to this, need a bit of direction/feedback

Che Frone

New member
hook me up with a listen, eh? a unique sound, need feedback

Hey, I'm new to this board. I've been rapping and making beats for a few months but only recently have I decided to actually record anything. So far I've gotten positive reviews from my friends, but now im looking for some unbiased voices to really tell me what I need to improve on. I used some really shitty equipment for the "Walrus" song, and upgraded before I recorded the other one ("The Beat In My Head").

I now have an AKG Perception 100 condenser microphone with an M-box and Protools. My sound card is whatever comes standard with a dell inspiron.

My Songs

I'm looking for any advice whatsoever, be it on my recording technique, mixing technique, rapping technique, etc.

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I tried to listen to this at home yesterday morning and the link wouldn't work... What gives?

that's odd, it works for me. I'll post a direct link. Ill try to fix this.

The site is www.chefrone.cjb.net
will try and check it out..

and welcome the the HR.com fam

stay active and network
Ok, your link is working for me.

First things first... this beat, to me, is wack. Just being honest. The synths in it are really corny, the mix is horrible, and it's borderline annoying.

Lyrically... your hook is catchy, and easy to follow. The vocal quality is ok, but not great. Talking about Crip walking on this beat is like Neal Diamond doing a collab with Snoop Dogg... it just ain't right.

Truthfully, this is on some other type of stuff. I can't really feel it. Keep doing your thing.
Okay... This might be rough.. But don't worry... It's all CONSTRUCTIVE critism... Just be patient with what I say..

"CHE FRONE MOTHAFUCKA'!" <-------this one!

Okay so some kid would dig your stuff but he can never go to your page cause his mom is right over his shoulder ... He has headphones though! ;)


1. The Beatles' copyright holder hates you (and they hate me and Talib Kweli too)....

2. Think about running up stairs. Music can be compared to a flight of stairs. Okay, so you run up the first half. There will be a platform as you turn around and start climbing again. Just like that, you got a short rest, short enough to make that second half less difficult than if the stairs were continous. Basically, SWITCH UP FRIGGIN' FL Studio thing that is on the 16th notes... Give it a break in the verses... Here's a thought.. Do it for 4 bars and drop it for the verse... Then bring it back for the chorus... Really, this kills the musical value of most any song (I have problems with this too)...

3. Are you sure you're using a pop filter (and correctly)?

4. You have little or no lyrical connection to the sample... Unless, you're a chart topper, this will never work.

5. STOP OVERDUBBING THE FLOWS during a verse (or get a whole lot better at pulling it off)!!! Picture this: Based on the success of your album (locally or otherwise) you are challenged to a freestyle competition or invited to perform live. You have two big problems as a result of your overdubbing.. #1 is that you aren't able to stay focused enough on stage because you didn't step your game up when you were recording the album enough to "go the distance". ....#2 That guy you're battling, if it's a competition, is gonna use your overdubbing in a rhyme that will drop you to your knees...The key is the WHOLE THING.... Yeah, hard..... How bad do you wanna sound good?

6. Give up stressing the tail end of each bar the same EXACT WAY for more than a few bars... It gets monotonous....QUICK! This is really only a problem for the first verse...

7. When you say what DC is talkin' "about", you sound Canadian.... NOT GOOD... Being white is bad enough....commercially speaking that is... (Hey.. I'm white too... just saying!)))

8. Vibe when you're tracking you vocals BUT DOWN LEAN SO FAR IN! Especially when you're saying something louder already (Really man.. Think about it...)...You wanna do the opposite.. It's called working the mic...

Now... I know that was harsh... Here's some good stuff...

1. It's stuck in my head already.... (Could be the Beatles connection doing that though)... ;)

2. Good use of the sample for what you're doing and saying...

3. The quickest flow in the song is pretty good.

4. The clap in same section works very well.. Don't pan it left and right so much.. Or try to bring it further up in the mix (in the center)...

Okay... I've posted enough... I peeped the other track... It's much better but you are WAY DEEP in the mix and those synth runs (the left and then right ones) need to be lowered A LOT..

Right on bro.. Keep on the grind... Don't hate me man... I think you're stuff is worth pursuing... Ya just need to broaden your skills and find a target audience... Not too many males over 18 would jump on that bandwagon without doing further development to your style....

Them beats need some work, for real.. See if you can get some better sounds, that might help you out a bit, and if you're gonna have such repetative sequences turn the repetative sounds down. Like Change said they get annoying after a while. As far as you flow, I see what you're trying to do with using different styles and tones, it's not coming out right right now, but keep working at it you'll get better. I know they're are plenty of rappers up there. I say go battle them. Yeah, you might get destroyed, but it will make you better.
haha yeah this is exactly the type of feedback I expected on these 2 projects. Truthfully, they were each made as more of a joke than anything at first, and should definitely not be considered hip-hop/rap (which I know I should have probably said at first). I love the niel diamond--snoop dogg description, i think that captures it perfectly. I went in to this with the distinct goal of not falling in any genre whatsoever, and I clearly succeeded in that aspect. But the advice I have gotten from this thread has been invaluable nontheless. thanks for it, and I'm definitely planning to post a few more serious, strictly hip-hop tracks in the near future, and hopefully get someone else to do the whole rapping thing...
Thanks for hitting me thread.

"Beat In My Head" - Good energy and ideas in the beat...but you need better sounds. Not really feeling the verses, but the hook is pretty catchy.
hey yo im feelin your shit man you got a unique vibe going on. the beat is just a little too happy for me but thats just because my style is the opposite. if you worked on your delivery a little bit your shit could be sick as hell.