Just for fun


New member
I was going through "the archives" today and ran across this old demo cut I did about 3 years ago for my band at the time. I thought I'd post it just for fun. This was done with all garden variety dynamic mics. I was still using a soundblaster platinum card and transferring one or two tracks at a time from adat to pc,so it sounds a little rough. And no,my singer never sang the right words to anything! We went through a lot of booze back then too. Hope y'all enjoy this one.

Play That Funky Music (white boy)
I think it sounds good if it was a live recording.. the vocals probably could have used some more compression or something..
Yep,it was "live". I just mic'ed our rehearsal setup in the main room and let her rip. The only dub on the whole thing was the organ,which I did myself a couple days later after I fired the keyboard player.

I agree about the vocal sound,with everything in the same room cranked up fairly loud,the vocal tracks came out less than optimal. I started to overdub them,but thought "what the hell,it's a demo"
Okay, I'm a newbie, so I know my opinion is worth about as much as a bucket of warm hamster vomit, but I think this is rather impressive. I'll grant that the vocal level comes and goes a bit, but this is a very full, reasonably tight, and completely fun song to listen to. Nice job on the keyboards. Smart move to fire and overdub. :-)