Just finished updating my small home studio...


New member
I don't have a lot of gear. My home studio is small but I tried to make everything count. Below is my list of gear, all updated as of last Saturday. My credit card is still smarting, LOL:

Neumann KH-120 monitors (replace Alesis M1 Actives)

RME Babyface interface and UAD 2 card (replaces Focusrite Scarlett 18i8)

Millennia HV-3C pre (replaces UA Solo 610)

UA LA 610 (already owned this)

sE Electronics RV 17 mics stereo pair

Manley Gold Reference (acquired last Spring)

Royer R 122 (owned this for a few years)

AT 4041 stereo pair (owned these for a couple years, very underrated mics)

sE Electronics Flexion Filter

Aurelex speaker pads for my monitors

As I've mentioned on this forum before, I play bluegrass music exclusively and therefore use all acoustic instruments. Thus, the reason for some of the choices above. I record solo, one track at a time. I'm a relative amateur at recording but I'm not a novice. Just another way to say I'm not a professional at recording. However, I'm a long time, and former professional, musician. I'm now a semi-pro/serious hobbyist.

One more thing...I'd like to find a way to connect my home audio SVS sub to my monitors. Perhaps a switch box that will assign the sub to either my home audio system or my Neumann monitors?

I digress, just looking for some validation from the pros that I did it right for my application. My intentions are to just record for myself, perhaps write songs and pitch them to my fellow bluegrass musicians, some of who are full time pros. Anyway, feel free to comment. Thanks.

You've got some serious gear there! what size is your control room? Have you invested any money in acoustic treatment? bass traps? midrange? diffusion? this would help even more.

I am a very happy Neumann KH120 user here, probably the best 'investment' I've ever made for my studio, you have some fine gear there, I think you made some great choices.
You've got some serious gear there! what size is your control room? Have you invested any money in acoustic treatment? bass traps? midrange? diffusion? this would help even more.

I am a very happy Neumann KH120 user here, probably the best 'investment' I've ever made for my studio, you have some fine gear there, I think you made some great choices.

Thank you for the kind words. You are correct, sir...room treatment is next.
