Just drums


New member
Drums drums drums ... seems like that's all I ever do these days! :)
Anyway, I've been working on the snare quite a bit lately and I think I've made some progress. For me, just tuning it is difficult ... I'm still learning what sounds good and what doesn't. I cranked it pretty tight this time, but I really like how it sounds in this clip ... what do you guys think?
My brother thinks I tuned it too high ... but I like that snap to it ... it's easier to play, too and that can only be good. I don't know ... what do you think? Oh yeah ... please tell me if the kick sounds more natural to you this time!
I really appreciate your opinions and advice.

Drums (160kbps, 0:31, 610KB)

[Edited by bigkahuna on 08-23-2000 at 21:22]
Seems to be paying off for you. Nice snare indeed. Nice bit of verb on the snare cracks and the quieter snare strokes sound great. It doesn't sound too cranked up to me at all. nice cymbals. rack toms sound killer. Something different with the floor tom mabey? I like you kick sound but I sometimes prefer a more open boomy sound. Hey, if I could get my kit to sound half this good, I'd be damn happy. =)

[Edited by Kaputo on 08-24-2000 at 23:54]
Thanks guys!

Thanks for the comments...
The floor tom is actually a rack mount .. but it's tuned pretty low. I think all the toms were muted a little too much on this clip. I have just the corner of a rag on each tom, because w/o that they ring like crazy when I hit the kick drum. Any advice on muffling these? I'm only doing it like this because I saw a real drummer do this when recording.
Thanks, Kaputo, for mentioning the softer snare strokes... that's actually why I recorded this ... it's really the first time I was anywhere close to being expressive on the snare. It's a simple beat, but I actually sounded like a drummer for a little while there! :)
I think my bro is nuts ... I'm keeping the snare at this tension ... it's the best this drum has sounded yet!
I backed the kick mic (D112) way off since my last post (it's now about 8-9" from the front head). The attempt was to get more boom and less click (less 'electronic'?) ... maybe it needs more tweaking.

Thanks again