just checkin before I start


New member
I just got a new Tascam US 1800 interface-haven't done anything with it yet. I have two questions. First is there any problem with installing the software on two different computers? That's in case one of them is problematic. Second question is I want to use it in my basement studio however I was reading here about somebody having troubles with his unit dropping out for a few seconds. The computer down there is an older thing. At the moment I don't recall the system requirements for the 1800 but I'm guessing I'm likely to have problems because of it's age and possible slowness even though I don't plan on using more than four tracks for a while. Thanks for any opinions.
Shouldn't be a problem to load up the software where ever you want.

As for the computer in the basement, you're the only one who knows what it is. So you tell us, will it be a problem?

Here's a hint: Recording audio doesn't take a whole lot of computing horsepower. Most problems lie with all the garbage software that is loaded on computers. You might consider a clean install of everything and be sure to not load up on unnecessary software.

welcome to the site.
Download the drivers for the US1800 from Tascam that are appropriate for the computer you are using it with HERE. Then install them.

You can use the interface on 1000 computers (one at a time), it only needs the driver that works with the particular OS installed. Then plug it in. :)