Just bought Logic Pro 7, need some help?!?


Redline Recordings
Really noob question here, apparently. I'm on Mac Forums as well, but their server is slammed - can't get on. I was trained in Pro Tools, and have no problem running Pro Tools....

Imported an audio file onto Audio one track, and imported an audio file onto Audio 2 track. Pro Tools has no problem playing both tracks at once, but Logic will only play one at a time... i can solo the other one, and it will play, or mute the other, and vice versa. can't get them to play at the same time, in Logic... ?!? I'm sure it's a simple preference or something that needs to be checked, but i read through the Logic Pro 7 manual, and not coming up with anything, as well as clicked around all i could. Any help here? New to Logic Pro (it's bought and registered), so sorry if this sounds so noob. it probably is, haha. thanks :)