just another stone

crawdad said:

b. sabbath--I always assumed you and sami were the same guy, but since you both posted, am I wrong or are you/we just having some fun?! Thanks for the thumbs up!


You asked if it sounds clear and it definitely does! it is a coooool tune that is well recorded.. I wouldnt make any suggestions because I have stopped listening for mix problems.. I dig the tune.. :cool:

sam (B.Sabb) :D
everything sounds real good to me!

Your voice is very Ray Charles. I actually listen to him a lot cause his technique is awsome. Hey, if you start curling up the tails on your vocal phrases it'll be hard to tell the difference. You should cover something by him for this forum. I'm gonna put in my request right now that you do Makin' Whoopee.

Drums sound really good. Very ambient and the snare cracks real nice. Any more info on the mics you used and how many?

Now I have to know if you're using a real piano. You're mixing of the piano is outstanding. It's always hard for me to get a piano in the mix right. I love the sound of a real warm, full round tone like you'll hear on a Kieth Jarrett recording but that just doesn't play nicely with others usually. Or I just don't know how to do it.

always a pleasure to listen when you post something.
Great tune. The singing is really excellent. I hear the Ray Charles influence, and Eric Clapton, too. The only thing I hear (if I may), is that the drums sound sort of separate, if you know what I mean. The vocal seems very "recorded", with compression and whatever, but the drums seem more plain sounding. Maybe compressing the drums or something would glue it to the track more. Not sure this makes any sense, but thought I would throw it out there.

Nevertheless, it sounds excellent, like a classic!!!

Whoa! Never expected so many positive comments!

mkg--You're at least the second person mentioning R.C. I don't really get it--and though I'm flattered, I can't hold a candle to the "genius". And thanks for cuttin' me some slack on my drumming!

CyanJaguar--Im funkin' on, brother! Thanks, man!

TripleM--good ideas. If I had some singing ladies, like the Water sisters--they'd be on there! Being a guitar player, my rule of thumb used to always be TURN THAT GUITAR UP!. I decided somewhere to temper it. Turn a Tele up too loud and eardrums bleed! So, its always a hard call for me.

Kramer--I checked the MP3 today. It is listed as 128 variable bit rate. So, it could be going back and forth! I'm not doing that variable thing anymore. I don't understand it enough to trust it.

fed--it must be that lazy-ass drummer on the track! As for the brightness, it seems plenty bright here, but it could very well be different on your end. Maybe someday we can all stream at CD quality, eh? Thanks for the comments my friend.

samicide--Ha! Imposter indeed! See, I always figured you had one computer at home and another at work--thus the need for two screen names. I am sort of like you--I listen to the song first and the mix only when things pop out and bug me. Except, every once in a while I put on some real great mix and study it for ideas.

erichenryus--Hey, I just might take you up on a RC cover! Until this thread, though, nobody ever told me I sound like him. Next tune I post, I think you'll see what I mean. As for the drums, I'm a XLR cord and a kick mic short of doing what i want. Its a Beta57 on the snare, R/S tom mics on both toms and the kick, and an Oktava 012 as a single overhead. Eventually, I want a real kik mic and I will use my pair of ECM8000's as stereo overheads, but not yet.

The piano is Roland xp-30, panned to one side, to open up some space in the middle of the mix. hey, thanks for the comments!

macle--I'm glad you heard this one. And I agree with you about the drums. Like I mentioned, I am just trying to learn how to do this live drums thing. I haven't got the upper hand in that department, but I keep screwing with mic positioning, EQ, gates, compression, verb....on and on! I have two problems--one is the small room I'm in ( ugly early reflections)and the other is the drums themselves. These old Rogers are not very deep compared to newer designs. My son's Yamaha kit sounds so much better--every drum. I may have to steal it from him or buy my own. Tell me what you do for your drums sometime. I need all the advice I can get! AND--thanks for the great comments

Thanks to all who listened...
Hey Crawdad,

A very clean mix!! I dig the vox alot. For me, they hinted at Lonnie Mack and I like his vocals on "strikes likes lightning" for their warmth and emotion. Yours accomplish the same.

I was hopeing to hear the lead git step up some during the solos. Could have used a little more volume in the mix but that's just IMHO.
I also heard some soulfull back up vox in my head. Not always easy to come by I know.

Great tune, great performance and wonderful recording:)

Thanks for the listen.

Crawdad...you're a lucky turd... to have your singing voice be your best asset, followed by your skillful songwriting, and reared up by your tasty guitar licks.

some people around here are really starting to make me sick.....:mad:

:D :D :D
Good song-good sound! I especially like the vocal tone-nice geetar playing too. It reminded me of a slowed down version of "secret agant man" Doah!
Don't you love getting compared to everybody else. Someone said that's a cheesy way of critiquing but shit, it's all I know. Definitely got Ray Charles voice going there. Beautiful sound. I agree with Riku about the Gary Moore feel as well - "Still Got the Blues" is on my all-time favorites list. Guitar sounds like a Delbert McClinton thing. Tele's will do that, eh?

Enough cheesy comparison stuff. This is a very nice tune in the classic blues style. Well done.

What can I say that hasnt already been said in this thread??
I really enjoyed this one!!
I am an instant fan!!!
mixmkr, theron, stratomaster, sky blue lou and king elvis--I'm kind of overwhelmed at all these nice responses. It really means a lot to me, coming from other musicians and engineers. You gotta be careful--you're gonna rekindle my passion for writing--then I'll be posting so much stuff you'll be saying "oh no! not another one!"

Really. It means the world to me that you listen. And, if you tore it apart, that would be OK too. I just value the feedback. I am my own worst critic. After spending so many years listening to me, I get pretty sick of myself! Its hard to be objective with your own music. This BBS is a godsend--not only for my music--but because I get to hear what other people all around the world are doing. Most of it is better than anything on radio and I listen to every style of music you can imagine. Everyone here has expanded my horizons and I am really enjoying it!
crawdad said:
You gotta be careful--you're gonna rekindle my passion for writing--then I'll be posting so much stuff you'll be saying "oh no! not another one!"

Definitely keep them coming! You're one of the main attractions around here.
I'm EXTREMLY impressed. I definately hear brother Ray in your voice. Great guitar work too. I think I don't like you anymore as well.:D
crawdad said:

Really. It means the world to me that you listen. And, if you tore it apart, that would be OK too.

Tear it apart??
Man, you have got to be crazy, this stuff is great. And I love Elmore so...you got it!!!:D

Yeah right.

I work for months on 1 track, go and pay to have it mastered, and you post up an 'experiment' that kicks ass!

Man I'm gonna go back to being a sax player. Cus I obviously havent got talent as an engineer.......

Seriously dude, very nice work......

Fancy doing some Lead Git on my next track?.........

NickHall said:

Man I'm gonna go back to being a sax player. Cus I obviously havent got talent as an engineer.......

Seriously dude, very nice work......

Fancy doing some Lead Git on my next track?.........


Nick--You sell yourself far too short. I thought your latest stuff sounded incredible. It really inspired me and that mastering job worked because the mixes were good to begin with. I've been sitting here for several days thinking "how can i make my stuff sound that good?"

As for the guitar--sure! Just drop me a line when you're ready and we'll figure it out.
crawdad said:

macle--I'm glad you heard this one. And I agree with you about the drums. Like I mentioned, I am just trying to learn how to do this live drums thing. I haven't got the upper hand in that department, but I keep screwing with mic positioning, EQ, gates, compression, verb....on and on! I have two problems--one is the small room I'm in ( ugly early reflections)and the other is the drums themselves. These old Rogers are not very deep compared to newer designs. My son's Yamaha kit sounds so much better--every drum. I may have to steal it from him or buy my own. Tell me what you do for your drums sometime. I need all the advice I can get! AND--thanks for the great comments

I'm with you on the difficulty of recording drums, especially if your room isn't great, or the drums themselves. I have those same problems, really makes it hard.

But you know what, I listened again, and I think maybe I was crazy regarding the drums. I think you got a great sound. It's a very natural sound, which I'm probably not used to, listening to overcompressed CDs and stuff.

Anyway, keep em coming!
