Just an acoustic...

Good job bub, You have a nice voice and your playing is nice too. Good song. Sounds a little thin though but as you said, you are gonna remix it. Cant wait to hear the finished product, Charva

Did you sing and play at the same time? If you recorded the singing separately they would be better, your voice is good but is waiting to come out more, add some reverb and you`ll be much more confident. The guitar distorts in the chorus so just step back a bit and thats it. The simple stuff is always the best.

I have always liked that song and hearing it accoustic is great. I went off and learned it too from your playing so cheers mate.

nice tidbit...the recording qualities of the gtr are a little lacking, but capture what you are doing just great. ...same with the voice. For demo material...this would cut it just fine. For a polished recording, you just need to apply the wax and "wax on...wax off"...:)
Hmm...would there be anyway for you to cut an MP3 with a higher bitrate? That may take care of some of the "lo-fi" quality I, and others, are hearing....how about 128kbits?