Just a little bit of crunchiness

Dom Franco

New member
I have an Ibanez Tube Screamer and I love it, but I am looking for a pedal that will leave the signal totally clean, until I hit it harder (like a threshold setting) and then slightly distort like a tube amp just starting to break up.

The least amount of distortion on my Tube screamer still colors the sound a bit, and I don't want to have to constantly hit the pedal on and off to get the clean chime telecaster sound.


Thanks in advance...

Dom :cool:
You need to provide a hot signal to your input amplifier. Stomp boxes are sometimes overkill for this - they clip the signal hard rather than taking the softer "saturation" approach that comes naturally when you drive an amp hard (and loud).

Turn your guitar volume down to 5 and set up your amp or effects box to drive the the channel amplifier fairly hard but still clean. It doesn't have to be loud - you just need a strong signal either going into the amp or within the amp before the power section.

Presto - turn the volume up on the guitar and you should hear a nice sting in the notes.

I just have always heard it's best to keep my guitar's volume all the way up?

I'll try it...

Dom Franco said:
I have an Ibanez Tube Screamer and I love it, but I am looking for a pedal that will leave the signal totally clean, until I hit it harder (like a threshold setting) and then slightly distort like a tube amp just starting to break up.

The least amount of distortion on my Tube screamer still colors the sound a bit, and I don't want to have to constantly hit the pedal on and off to get the clean chime telecaster sound.


Thanks in advance...

Dom :cool:

An Xotic RC Booster does exactly what you described.
