Jungle Programming?


New member
Can anyone shed some light on the art of drum programming in the style of Squarepusher or Aphex Twin? I've gotten better at it, but it still sounds too mechanical. I want to be able to program realistic sounding drum rolls. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
One simple way to get a more realistic sounding drum roll is to use two slightly different sounding samples for each drum. Say you just want a simple snare roll. Think about how a real drummer does it. She uses two hands. Each hand will create a slightly different tone and loudness.

Also, just try adding some dynamic variations throughout your beats. Dont make every snare or kick the same loudness or tone. And remember this: hard drum hits tend to be slightly higher pitched than soft drum hits. So, say you're making a breakbeat and you want the 1st snare hit in the pattern to be a little harder than the 2nd. Raise the volume on the 1st snare hit and also shift its pitch up by about a quarter-tone (50 cents). Then you can even get into slightly shifting the hits in time. These kinds of variations make your beats sound much more realistic.


Barefoot Sound LLC.
Recording Monitors
San Francisco
Thanks Thomas

Thanks for the info. I've been using different samples, and adjusting the velocity. I've also been recording with little quantization, at a really slow tempo, and then speeding it up. The pitch shifting advice is new to me. I'll try it tonight. Thanks again.