
The Josephsons are reputedly very very very nice mics, and pricey.
For the same money or less, I would look at the small dia. Gefells and the Gefell metal diapragm mics. I think is the address, really cool site, too.
Anyone ever run into a Josephson C-660?
It's a small diaphram condenser that I like a lot in the usual applications...
Might have been made in Germany, and badged "Josephson"...

Looking for another, if anyone knows where one is hiding...
The price for a pair is pretty good all things considered...950.00 which is around the price of some 184's..The Gefells look interesting also..
Recording Engin. To get into the Omnis caps/Bodys look like they get pretty dam pricey!Maybe T.H.E still expensive though..
Tonewoods...C660.. go to Mercinary they have the 606 series..I don't know if you will find what you are looking for.. but maybe they can get it?

I demoed them. Great. I tested using my voice, into FMR RNP, akg 240DF phones. Compared to KMS184, the 184s sounded dirty. They have a nice open natural sound.

The spec sheet shows a boost in the upper freqs. I could not simply use my mixer's eqs in the same approximate range on another mic to make them sound as nice as the Josephson.

Compared to my AT4047, it was a bit more open sounding too. I have a matched pair on order. Check their website:
I have in my grasp a Gefell M300 brand new for $440, not counting shipping. Lets say $450 even steven.
Keep it in mind, they are $600 new, $700 list.
Let me know if interested.