joseph and the mixing factory


New member
the first song i've ever had complete control over at every stage of creation.

writing -> tracking -> mixing -> sort of mastering

let me know what you think? harsh criticism is absolutely welcome.

the song is known 'round these parts as "november."

sigh... i posted this in the middle of the night, and it needs a bump. i never seem to get any replies here. i'd appreciate it if someone would take a listen to the song. thanks.
I'm really digging it! It sounds great, the only thing I don't really like is the hard panning (not sound quality or composition), but thats more of a personal taste type of thing. Keep up the good work!

I would have pushed the drums a bit more. I liked the tune though. I have listened to it a few times.
nice tune, cool guitars, the bass could use some more kick, prescense.
the vocals are nice.
maybe the drums could come up alittle as well.

but all in all very nice :cool:

An updated mix, with suggestions taken into account:

Thanks a lot for the replies, I really appreciate it.

Good song. I like it. Bass seems to be near the limit. sounds like it may be clipping at times. Voice is good. Very good.
Just so everyone knows, the bass is stand-up with a bow, and I'm having a hell of a god-damn time getting it to cut through freaking distorted guitars and drums and voice. It's been put through a shameful amount of EQ, and a 'lil bit of compression (mostly at the tracking stage--an RNC--plus the multiband comp on the master fader). Does anyone have any suggestions, or is it simply doomed to be lost in this sort of arrangement?
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