Jojo mayer, the best drummer in the world, in my opinion

He's good but the Toshiro Mifune-wannabe synth player has got to go.

Now, if he can get together with all the horn players using drum loops, that'd really be something.
mshilarious said:
He's good but the Toshiro Mifune-wannabe synth player has got to go.

Now, if he can get together with all the horn players using drum loops, that'd really be something.
yer but alot of the point in nerve is they never want to use loops, but i aggree god knows what he is up to half the time.
I don't know shit about drums but that seems like some really odd timing/rhythm to play drums to, or am I wrong? :confused:
Ja, JoJo Mayer pretty much rules. Look up the video of him at a clinic, it's in b/w, it's pretty cool. Also, check out the Prohibited Beatz videos if you get a chance.
zacanger said:
Ja, JoJo Mayer pretty much rules. Look up the video of him at a clinic, it's in b/w, it's pretty cool. Also, check out the Prohibited Beatz videos if you get a chance.


That's not the impression I'm getting. I think Jojo is a fantastic drummer, no doubt about that! I'm not sure he really ranks yet in the upper teir of greatest drummers though. I see so many that are better and have done much more.

He's almost there...almost.

Maybe it the guys he's playing with. I think they are probably limiting him or holding him back. Who knows. I just know he's not quite there yet.
danny.guitar said:
I don't know shit about drums but that seems like some really odd timing/rhythm to play drums to, or am I wrong? :confused:

Well, when you get to his level it sort of becomes all about that. I have a friend who LOVES to play in 11/8, 13/8, 15/8, or any such time signature (even 33/8) and then with solo polyrhythmically over the top of it.

It's the challenge that drives some people!

I myself adore soloing in 7/8.
7/8 is fun, especially when the rest of the band is in 4/4, you get some really nice effects.
And yeah Dave Weckl rules, obviously :P Although I don't like the fact that everybody sems to play double pedal these days, what happened to a 4-piece kit with hi-hats, crash, and a ride, 'eh?
You might've noticed that JoJo plays with a single pedal :-D.
To me, JoJo's one of the greatest. There are faster drummers, and obviously a lot of more famous ones, but he's just got an amazing, organic feel and brings in all sorts of styles -- jazz, funk, D'n'B, you name it. It's awesome.