John...Knauff equivelent....anything?


New member
I'm trying to build some various sized absorber panels and want to use some of the 2 or 3 inch Knauff stuff but the closest place I can get it here is 5 or 6 hours away.

Do you know anything that might be the equivelant to that stuff? I mean really equivelant here...the Knauff stuff seems to do a nice job across the spectrum and will allow me to add slats to go a bit lower.

It might really help...I'll drive if I have to but if there is something closer and comparable, it'd be much nicer!!


Wow....thanks, John! You're the man as usual.

I'll read further in, of course, but that black Owen Corning junk actually looks better in some ways. Maybe nicer to work with as well!

Thanks again...I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along!
