Jazz/Blues First Mix

Headphone listen - I'll give it the studio run later today but I'll tell you right now I'm gonna like this. Lotsa textures. Man, I think I'd have mixed this the same way - very, very cool - I personally like the balance between the voices.

This one's headed for my car compilation 'cause I get to drive 100 mph+ every day and this'll make me feel like I'm flying!

I'm getting some very high-pitched static - and there's some hum at the beginning. If it's not a computer anomaly on my end then I'd say there's a level that's pushed too high somewhere or you have a funky cable somewhere. I think it's on the acoustic -I'll be anxious to hear what the other guys say - I'm not the most well-experienced guy out here.

Really nice playing throughout -well composed - perfect title - love the little sonic things that you threw in here and there - have no idea what they are but I like them!! Super nice guitar playing!!

I'll listen to the song one track at a time and see if I can spot that noise. It may very well be the acoustic. I ran it through an L.R.Baggs preamp and I might have had some level problems or a bad cable. Thanks for pointing that out.

Thanks for the good words. When we get a final mix, I'll be sure to let you know.
Hey Blind,

This is a nice piece of music, a 'bed' I can really stretch out on. I'm jamming with this over this week.

Can you put up a 192kbps, and I'll track some ideas. I'm thinking a cello pad, and some violin quickness in places, motifs ... and some viola.

I really hate to tell you this though, I'm hearing 'rice crispies', almost all the way through the piece and this sounds like an Audiocard driver problem, although it could be an MP3 conversion snafu.

Pretty stuff.
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I am posting the 192kbps version now - with my dial-up (soon to be replaced with cable modem), it'll take about 15-20 minutes. Currently noon Central Time here.

I'm very interested to see where this take you.


I tried it and it seemed OK at about 2:45 central time.

If it won't let you just click, try a right click and choose "Save Targert As" and choose a location.

(the "viols" mix)

Amp noise in the opening, which could probably be muted out?

Nice groove, excellent fingerpicked guitar... drums may be a bit too
subtle and dry. Nice Hendrixy tone. Overall IMO this needs reverb
for more of a roomy, organic performance feel.

Fret buzz/stumble around 1:30? A buzz of some type... clipping? It happens a few more times.

Nice break at 2:38.... I can hear some thumpiness on the fingerpicked
guitar... could you roll off the lows below around 140Hz on that? It
may help your mix--even for an arrangement as open as this one.

Laid back, and relaxed. Very nice.

Cool dreamy tune. Some good licks. Nice sounds.
Either the bass was too loud or the drums were too quiet.

I Enjoyed listening to this.
a really big "I dig it on this end". I love this kinda groove stuff. THe bass drum was a bit fluffy for me and snare could come out more. Airy synth was nice. Guitar could be a bit stronger in the end section for me. Fine playing.