Jars, Bells, and you

laj35 said:
Thanks for listening Budo.

I've considered putting something like that in, made an effort at some point to make the entire line be a sort of extreme low-end rumble. Didn't really work at the time, though now, in the background it might, thanks for the idea man! Would you think I should use the elec bass, or some synth sub shaking stuff?


I've just got into Reason 2.5 and I've started to experiment with their Malstrom Graintable Synth. Sounds a little harsh at first but with some tweaking you can get some really nice low level, atmospheric bass sounds.
Yeah I've heard good things about Reason as a whole, and especially that function. I've often been tempted by evil demons to just get the crack, as I can't allote money for the program, but my "morals" (not too mention the warez police around here;)) keep me from doing so. Ah well, I'll bet the NordLead2R can conjure up some sub-nastiness. Thanks again for the thoughts!

xfinsterx said:
Yep heres a new idea.
Post a new song up laj.
Im tired of this one.


I've got several tracks, up this was the one I am currently working on, hence needed the most help/ideas. Also weary of over-threading, so anyways, yeah I'll take your very...errrrr...tactful advice, thanks, I guess.

laj35 said:

I've got several tracks, up this was the one I am currently working on, hence needed the most help/ideas. Also weary of over-threading, so anyways, yeah I'll take your very...errrrr...tactful advice, thanks, I guess.


Dude dont get all tender on me man.
Damn... :rolleyes:
I LIKE youre stuff.
Lets hear another.
Ahem..please. :D
Not getting tender, really, just kidding around. Posted "Slash 107" in the clinic; no vocals but might be the most "finished" song we've done. Glad you like the stuff man, and for sure thankful for the ideas, were very helpful on "Jars..."
