Jamal sings a jcmm tune


It's been around 8 months since I posted a tune here.
Hopefully I've learned something since the last time !! :D

This is a pretty straight forward rock tune.
It was the first tune I recorded where I didn't have to do much to the original tracks. I actually had a good product from the start.

A special heartfelt thanks goes to Jamal for singing this for me, and saving you all from my voice. :D

This will be my submission for the comp cd so anything I can do to improve it, please let me know!


"I'll Remember"

Thanks for listening. (hope the link works!)

Very cool tune. I'm thinkin' Jamal's vocal might be sitting a little too much on top - and it's pretty dry.

That's my only bitch..:D :D

Very cool tune.
good to see a thread from you jc..

good song and collab.. how was it done? the vocal went well with the song.. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the higher vocal parts.. just preference I guess.. the vocals are a bit sibilant in a few parts.. It turned out good!

hey Joel, this sounds a lot different than our coolab.. The sound is much better on this.. What was done differently?

There is a digital hiccup @1:24..
Very cool stuff fellas!!!!
Nice playing all around J... the bass sounds good too. I like the drums..... ...shit I like it all. Jamal was a good choice to sing this. The vocal really compliments the song style. ...a little jumpy at a few points but solid. What all is used on the vocs in this?
Great work guys, gw/5
Good job and good song.

Like G-man I thought the bass was really good. Well played, and sounded good too.

Jamal sang exceptionally well. Although there seemed to be a bobbled note at 2:52. There was another note at 2:47 that's not constant, but that one sounded like it could have been intentional. But the voice sounded soooo nice. Maybe a little verb on them would sweeten them even further.

I think the harmonies in parts (particularly the chorus) were a bit far back. In other sections they were fine.

Liked the keyboard that came in at 2:06. Good idea. The modulation at 2:57 was more than cool.

I'm being specific on this because I like it so much and trying to make it the best it can be.

Good job guys.
Sounds good except that, IMHO the vocal harmonies detract with some intermittant dissonance. It also seemed mixed to one side a bit, but that may be my systems settings ;)
Thanks for the responses!

For the record here is the rundown:

All instruments were recorded with a Boss BR-8

Clean Guitars were a preset patch in the Boss
Distorted guitar is a V-Amp into the BR-8 in stereo.
Bass is my el cheapo Peavey Milestone III ($189.00 w/bag)
straight into the BR-8 using a preset.
Keys are a Roland RS-9
Drums are a Zoom RT-123

All tracks were loaded into Acid Pro 4.0 for mixing.
I didn't have to do much since I did a good job recording.
I sent this to Jamal with a take of me singing the tune as best I could. Fortunately Jamal used his right of artistic freedom and recorded what you hear. He claims it took him around 20 minutes and I hate his guts!!! :D :D kidding!!!
His vox were on 4 tracks, but he did some punchin in on each one so I cut the 4 tracks up into 11 to get what you hear.
I compressed them a tad and put a little verb on 'em and then rendered these 11 down to 1 track. I reloaded that 1 back into the tune and put the waves metaflanger on it and its around 4 db under the original vox. The layered effect sounded cool so I left it (And since I don't know any better it was easy!)
Waves L1 at the end
Hope that helps anyone wondering how it was done.

chrisharris - Your ears are probably right in terms of placement of the voice. I was trying to be sure they weren't buried, and that they weren't competing with the instruments. It can probably be leveled out at a slightly lower volume and I can fix the plosive (which I obvoiusly didn't hear)
I appreciate the kind words!

B.SABBATH - the high voices probably can be blended better and maybe that will help. I will give this another shot after reviewing comments from legends such as yourself
As for why it sounds better than the one we are working on........
Thats an excellent question to which I don't really have a credible answer! My first thoughts are this tune has such a simple arrangement, and I got really lucky when I recorded it! Also, the tune we are workin on is in a vein I have never tried to record yet. The latest version will be heading your way tomorrow (I hope!:rolleyes: ) and you should see a big difference.
As always your input is vital and Thanks for listening!

Guernica - Thanks for the kind words G! The only time I ever posted a tune here you were the guy who pointed out my bass flubs when I couldn't even hear 'em! :D
I took some extra time to get this smooth, and it turned out to be the anchor of the song. I even snuck in a chop or 2 but I will never posess a portion of your Bass prowess!!
I'll continue to improve on faking it! :cool:

3M - Thanks for listening! I think I know which vocal parts you are refering to and I could do a better job of smoothing them out. I hope Jamal chimes in and shares his 20 minute technique :mad:
I will definately experiment with the reverb more on the next mix.
And I will get the BG vox more consistent. After a closer listen I hear what you mean. (softer in the first minute than the rest of the tune) Thanks for your comments!

wfaraoni - Thanks for the listen and I hope to addressyour point in the next mix. I appreciate you taking the time to listen.

I will give it another session and repost asap.
Thanks again!

Joel, I like the whole thing a bunch, but what really got me was the bass. Not that it was a really difficult part, but the tone was really nice, and very consistent over the whole piece. I can never get mine to sound that even over the whole song!Rock on!

i agree with twist. the bass was the best part of this for me. it sounds perfect. nice tone on the bass.

nice song. jamal is the perfect voice for the song.
Good song and performance!

The mix seems a bit thin to me, mostly the drums, but the vocal too. It seems like there's a phase issue or some kind of flange happening (on the drums- I see you put flange on the vocal). Hard to put my finger on it. It just doesn't image well.

Ok, so I'm a drum sound bigot.:eek:

Good song-good performances good mix-Nice vocals by Jamal-the flange seems to work. I really liked the key part that came in the 3rd verse-cool modulation towards the end, a classic technique...Like the others said nice bass part and playing...As far as nit picks...Chris said the vocals were too loud??? Is this a remix? they seem to get a little buried a few times--during the 3rd verse with the key part for example....I would have added a few more guitar parts--like an acoustic during the verse? Or some reverbed wierdness during the pre-chorus section--Maybe a bigger distortion sound for the chorus--Maybe some more vocal harmonies during the chorus??---the chorus should sound HUGE! I think it would have been cool to put a nice big verb on that drum Whap!! before the first chorus-something to really announce the chorus-it seems to slip into it without a change of dynamics...Well anyway-I'm just rambling, don't mind my Spector wannabe tripe...Really well done I'm on about listen #14 here so I'm enjoyin it.
really nice collaboration..........my only suggestion would be to turn down the tamborine just a touch....it seemed a little too present when i was listening.....good song, some great vocals, particularly near the end there.........
excellent. good singing, and the harmonies are really cool. GOod arrangement and recording on the inst's.
Hey...it's about 4:30 in the a.m., and I just got in from a gig. I was gonna' ask you guys something, but I can't remember what it was now.

Do you know?

Jamal needs a pop filter! :D

He's also a little too high in the mix.

Listening to this in lo-fi by the way...so if it's THAT way in lofi, well...

Outside of that, I'm digging this tune. Very nice groove. Cool bass line!
Pop rock, groovy. I like the tune.

- intonation on certain chords sounds off.
- drum panning sounds weird, too wide or something, which usually I like, but the balance sounds off to me. Not focused enough, i.e. un-natural.

Other than that. I really dig it. Rock on!
twist - I agree about the bass. The funny thing is I recorded the gits and drums and had no idea what I was going to play when I plugged in the bass. I wanted something independent of the rest of the song and I just played what you hear. It was one of those zone moments that I will never have again! Thanks for the comments!

erichenryus - Thanks for taking the time to respond!

M.Brane - There are a few drum biggots here! when I started doing home recording I thought.......ahhh.... the drums are good enough. It's now the thing I spend the most time trying to get better at. I have a long way to go but it starts with understanding how important it is! ;)

Stratomaster - My man.... some of your suggestions are in the remix. Thanks for the detailed post! BTW......did you remix "Love and War"???
:D I'm here to give a listen when its ready.

PF - Since I programmed the drum machine with the entire kit on 1 tune, I can't change levels of individual parts without redoing the whole shit. I do agree it could come down. Next tune I do I am doing each drum to 1 track. It will be a first for me, but I'll have the control to fix things. Thanks for the comments.

toki987 - Thanks for listening, and the kind words. I miss your old avatar!

chrisharris - If you're lookin' for your pajamas, I can't help you! And how can you "gig" with the lacerated finger? Your holding out on me here...........

Shaky Tee - If you get a chance, I hopefully have the fix in the mix.
Thanks for the comments.

Emeric - Its really cool to see a Sunday tune again. I couldn't get on NWR but I'm sure it'll be up soon so I can DL it. You (and alot of others) have ears that are way better than mine! While I feel mine are getting better, my problem is I usually have no clue what the fix is for most things. Thanks for listening.

And if you read this Jamal........
Thanks again! You're OK no matter what monty says:D ;) :D