izotope ozone tips

I've got a tip.

First off, when I visit this BBS, I tend to read through the threads and and up with lots of useful info (this isn't my tip.)

When perusing the threads, most often than not, I find many seemingly short tempered people ... some even manage to piss off working audio professionals !! Imagine that!! Numb skulls.

Now Ozone is regarded, on this BBS at least, as more of a beginners tinker toy. (I asked the same question on this bbs once) That being said, it absolultely can give you decent results, however not with the presets and only after you've spent some time with each 'unit' on the Ozone 'rack'. After a while you 'need' more and then you shell out a thousand dollars on some more flexible / reputable plugins.

Did it myself (Ozone). Sounded pretty darn good, although i've only been doing this stuff for 2 years... and most of my stuff still sounds horrible. (Sorry, i'm not helping yet am I )

Now here's my advice .. (finally, i'm giving advice on homerecer's BBS!)

The manual is good, great even. It simply won't give you the presets you're looking for and neither will the software.

I can almost guarantee that, given a thousand presets, that not a single of those presets will actually work perfectly with your material ... you'll need tweaking. (so if i gave you my presets , assuming i had some, they won't work for you)

The advice i have for you is to turn up the volume on your stereo/monitors , nice and loud so you can hear everything. Then pick an existing preset as a starting point and fiddle around with it.

Also, don't turn on all the modules .. for example, start with just the EQ .. etc.

Bottom line friend (?) is that you'll need to develop your own presets .. and unfortunately, no single preset will even work for a whole song let alone an albumn or what not.

Anyhow, i hope the sum of this incoherent blaber helped you or swayed you on a 'preset-less' path.

Bottom line is there's no such thing as great presets.

Sorry if this didn't help.
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ozone preset.. i find the only ones that actually sound decent.. "Gm complete CD"
you have to get the set from the website.. i usually use it then edit it...

i use waves platinum 4 and ozone 2 for in-house mastering
i almost never use eq when mastering though
Ozone Tips

Sorry I didn't post sooner Jimmyc,

I have used ozone several times, an engineer in sydney showed me a trick or two. The others are right in saying definately dont use the presets...

I think the idea is to go for a less is more approach, especially with the exciter,mastering reverb and stereo imaging.

Isolate each section, find what sounds good, then use a little less of each effect. Because with ozone its easy to over excite,widen and flood...
This is all IMHO...but everyone is different, experiment and find what works for you...