I've updated

Nice new look, John!

Links worked, but the one for the image is different than the one for the text - but they both work.

I like the "comments" you added at the end of Update 6!

I just snapped some shots with the gear loaded-in -- I'll send 'em once I get them scanned...!
Looks Good

I like the changes. I really like having the updates on the side bar. Makes things much smoother.

While we are on the subject what ever happend to Guruland????

Looks much better John.
You know, you could probably delete the "Michael Jones Studio" on the left hand side of the page, under the "HR Studios".

I looked over my pics on the "Studios Under Construction" side, and things sure have come a long way since those photos were taken. Guess Its time for an update. I'll take some pics this weekend and send them off to you.
Thanks guys - I think it's cleaner and esier to navigate. :)

Sorry Lee - I missed it - it's up now as is sheppards.

As for guruland - Kev's in limbo at the moment trying to work out what gear to get and where to get the money to finish it off :):)

Thanks, John! I really enjoy having my little startup effort next to the larger facilities. Some day.... ;)

I like the way you added location and status to the right side pictures too!
