I've resorted to YouTube


New member
My Daryle Ackerman Official YouTube page

As of this writing, I'm between 1200 and 1300 views. If I get past 2000, then I'll probably apply to be an AdSense partner and see if I can't generate any residual income that way. But it's a long shot, probably... realistically. Time without much in the way of traffic and sales, or even traffic but with little sales, can be a bitch.

You can do it, but think of that as just one revenue stream in your arsenal of tools. Now sign up with CD Baby if you haven't already done so and begin collecting a small amount through iTunes and other digital distribution services. Perform live as much as you can and sell albums - they don't even have to look great as long as you put a little effort into the packaging... I bet you could sell plenty for $5 at gigs.