I've learned a lot from this forum


Active member
... more than any other recording forum out there.

just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the fine posters here, who continue to offer valuable insight and tips -- particularly the old school heavy hitters like Beck and Sweetbeats. It may not be as active as some of the others, but there's no place like it out there on the internet!

I noticed my join date of May 2008 was when I was mixing my first album ... and I would have been totally lost in some ways without this place.
Thanks for the props but I'm right there with you...

I joined a month before you did, and that was within just a couple-three months of purchasing my first analog open-reel multitrack decks. I knew so very little...yeah "lost" is a good word for it. I dove into stuff that was way over my head and fortunately some kind folks on this forum as well as some select other venues saved my butt time and again. In the process I've learned...a lot. And as I go I learn I know less and less.

Enjoying the projects currently on my plate and thankful for many, many teachers along the way.

Had the opportunity recently to sit down to sushi dinner with Rick Chinn with an MCI JH-416A input module sitting on the table between us. We talked about a lot of stuff. One thing I will always remember is how he answered my question as to how the mid eq boost/cut switch works (the mid eq on my JH-416 input modules is originally just boost, but a mod makes it switchable boost or cut). I'd reverse-engineered where that switch was tapped on my modules but it made no sense HOW it switched the boost to cut. He asked for a piece of paper and within moments had schematic drawn and was explaining it to me. It was like watching an artist paint or something the way he whipped out that schematic sketch.

Lots of really bright folks out and about willing to help and share and teach and I'm thankful for that. Beck and evm2014 are the two standouts, but I look over my Analog Only friends list and I've learned all sort of stuff from each one...and my interests and experiences here have led to some other groups specific to the brands of some of the gear I have and there are just great people everywhere.

Nice thread.
Lots of really bright folks out and about willing to help and share and teach and I'm thankful for that.

I fully agree with that. Lots a great people here willing to share their knowledge and experience and is what has kept me here for the past 10 years both to help out where I can and learn more about the gear, which has been a life long love for me.

Cheers! :)
I know the folks in this place have saved my butt more than a few times, and I couldn't be more grateful. It's places like this that give the internet a good name.
I just want to second (or third...) what others have said. In today's world, sitting in on a studio session where analog is the main medium is almost impossible. Sometimes I feel like I've learned everything I know about tape machines from digging through posts in the Analog Only forum of homerecording. You guys (Sweetbeats, Beck, Ghost, miroslav, anyone else who has assisted along the way) have helped me so much. I can't even begin to thank you all enough!! :o
This forum is amazing. It's a tribute to the personalitys here. Hoorah for HR ;)
Thanks for the kind words for me and everyone that has made this place worth while. There were great people here before I came along and great people added since I've been a member. I hang out here to the exclusion of most other forums because there are so many people here that I can honestly call my peers... my equals. This forum is a gem on the web. For years now I've seen information that originated here shared and discussed on many other music recording and engineering forums. But this little corner of the web is where so much all started... the experience, research, experiments and lively discussions that make it something special and unique. Several of us came here after being orphaned from the original and official Tascam company forums after they were shutdown without notice. A lot a knowledge was lost, but we've tried best we can to bring the best of it here and continue to build upon it. It's nice to be a part of it. ;)
I knew I wasn't crazy! I think I remember both of you (Ghost and Beck) from the old Tascam forums! That's where a lot of the early info I learned about tapes came from!
For someone like me, who is really not technically oriented ... it's great to ask tech-ish questions when I need to know some info. It's sort of no-man's land when you're in an all-analog situation ... I've focused on the creative and historical aspects.
I'm with you too. This and GroupDIY. Everyone here and there is welcome regardless of skill level. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. I've gleaned tons of info here, and really look up to those "old" guys mentioned above :O

I think everyone tries to give a little back too, which is cool. And support too. Even if it's sharing the pain of some broken thing or another....