It's Something - "Mongolian Princess"


New member
I know its a very sloppy recording in many fashions but I thought you guys would like something new to listen to.

My friend wrote it about a girl he saw at Mongolian BBQ. As serious as the song is, it's really funny to me. Have a listen. It's called "Mongolian Princess"

BTW, the highs got really distorted by the MP3 compression. Sorry bout that.

It didn't sound as bad as you made it out to be in your post. I was expecting to be ready to plug my ears but, was pleasantly surprised by the mix.

The vocals were clear and understandable.

The drums and guitar sounded fine for a live, off the floor session and the harmony vocals were mixed well and nicely blended.

You might want to consider over-dubbing a bass guitar part to fill up the sound-scape a little bit.

Beyond that, I would consider the recording a success.

Cheers! :)
Wow, thanks a lot. The vocals were recorded with an SM58 but I did a bit of EQing to get that decent vocal sound. For having recorded the drums in an untreated room they definately came out good as well. I hope to post more of my recordings in the future.

Does anyone else have any comments???
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