Its not latency...


New member
Im having a problem recording vocals thru my MOTU 828 into AA. For some reason, the vocal track is recording slower, it seems like, than it realy is, because when i play the whole track the vocals slowly start getting ahead of the beat until its all off.

I know what latency is, and just moving the vocal track to match isnt a big problem, but it seems like this would require a time stretch or something to correct. Really I dont want it to be happeneing at all but...I dont even understand how it happens, its recording the vocals at the same speed as the rest of the track while its recording, and yet the vocals are sped up. What the fuck!?

Anybody had this happen?
As I understand it, you can go to Options/Settings/Multitrack and tick the boxes for "Correct for drift in recordings" and "Correct for start synch in recordings." You shouldn't have to do this if you are wordclock synched to your input device.
Altaire said:
Im having a problem recording vocals thru my MOTU 828 into AA. For some reason, the vocal track is recording slower, it seems like, than it realy is, because when i play the whole track the vocals slowly start getting ahead of the beat until its all off.

I know what latency is, and just moving the vocal track to match isnt a big problem, but it seems like this would require a time stretch or something to correct. Really I dont want it to be happeneing at all but...I dont even understand how it happens, its recording the vocals at the same speed as the rest of the track while its recording, and yet the vocals are sped up. What the fuck!?

Anybody had this happen?
hey man,
i'm having a problem VERY similar to this...only my track is recording like a microtone lower. Clicking those options that Ipdeluxe mentions creates some strangeness in CEP that I've never seen. It says "correcting for drift" and runs some memory intesive process that ultimately destroys the track - very weird. The really weird thing is that if I just start a new session and record a track in there, its all fine - recording exactly what is played. I can't find any evidence for a change in any configuration settings just by starting a new session. The only thing I can think of is that part of the tracks in the session were recorded on another computer - its a collaborative effort.
anyways - its not latency as you said - i'm pretty bummed about this
think i got it actually

it looks like there is a difference in one setting that you can only change when you first select new session: the sample rate!! For some reason, when I select 96kHz, the playback is slightly slower...but when I record at 44.1kHz, its bang on. This is probably revealing the shittiness of my soundcard. :) Make sure that the sample rate of the tracks and session you're working with are jive with your soundcard.
Here is the question I'd like to ask...
I was able to batch convert all of the existing tracks in the session I'm working with to 44.1kHz. But, the session file is still attempting to record at 96kHz - this sounds simple, but how do I change the sample rate of the session I'm working in? I can't seem to locate that option in the menus. Any suggestions?
You've already found it. Go to File/New Session and click. The dialog window that asks you to set the sample rate will pop up, and you can highlight 44.1KHz. Each time you open a new session, Audition will use that, until you change it again.