It's Good To Be Warm

It has potential. I didn't get to listen all the way through, only about the first minute, my dial up connection messed up.

I really don't like the out of tune tom sound that comes in around 45 seconds. Much better ways of accented the strong beat than that. It was just irratating and distracting.

Thought the little vocal effected thing being panned from side to side was cool. I don't know if its rapping or singing for the lyrics, but if its rapping, the key you used for the voices would be difficult to rap over and have sound really cohesive.

But a really good start to a beat
In Tune Audio said:
It has potential. I didn't get to listen all the way through, only about the first minute, my dial up connection messed up.

I really don't like the out of tune tom sound that comes in around 45 seconds. Much better ways of accented the strong beat than that. It was just irratating and distracting.

Thought the little vocal effected thing being panned from side to side was cool. I don't know if its rapping or singing for the lyrics, but if its rapping, the key you used for the voices would be difficult to rap over and have sound really cohesive.

But a really good start to a beat

Yeh, when lyrics are laced on it, they will be set differently and dropped drastically. I liked that tom sound, think it sounds wicked just smashin in there at ever bar. But i dunno, ill re work it.

THanks for the tips.


recorded pretty weil, but if you are just dealing with samples, that probably would have made the job much easier. Needs something to finish is, it is pretty basic sounding. Potentially a little more musical dynamic direction might help too, rather than a same level of intensity thru the whole piece.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with this track being too simple. People always try and add this and that, just for the sake of doing it, or because they can. You need to remember that the most important track will be the rapping. To much rap music lately is too busy, and the rap is not at the fore front. But if you listen to eminem or Dr. Dre. The rap is always forfront, and while the beats have stuff going on, they never forget what the track is about, the rapping.

It's good to mix things up on a rap album, and a straight forward not to busy beat really will change the focus. And once there is rap on this track, it will be quite filled out. Zellus has done a good job focusing.
kept dropping out on me for some reason so couldn't get a clear listen.

but i like the opera singing thing at the start,

u use samples for that? how u do that?
In Tune Audio said:
I don't think that there is anything wrong with this track being too simple. People always try and add this and that, just for the sake of doing it, or because they can. You need to remember that the most important track will be the rapping. To much rap music lately is too busy, and the rap is not at the fore front. But if you listen to eminem or Dr. Dre. The rap is always forfront, and while the beats have stuff going on, they never forget what the track is about, the rapping.

It's good to mix things up on a rap album, and a straight forward not to busy beat really will change the focus. And once there is rap on this track, it will be quite filled out. Zellus has done a good job focusing.
your right!
In Tune Audio said:
I don't think that there is anything wrong with this track being too simple. People always try and add this and that, just for the sake of doing it, or because they can. You need to remember that the most important track will be the rapping. To much rap music lately is too busy, and the rap is not at the fore front. But if you listen to eminem or Dr. Dre. The rap is always forfront, and while the beats have stuff going on, they never forget what the track is about, the rapping.

It's good to mix things up on a rap album, and a straight forward not to busy beat really will change the focus. And once there is rap on this track, it will be quite filled out. Zellus has done a good job focusing.

There's nothing wrong with a busy style of rap beat if it is>

1. constructed & mixed tastefully
2. complimenting the rythmic structure of the vocal line
3. Maintaining a good melodic and dynamic integrity throughout the song.

Look, i agree that there are some boners out there just over-adding sounds to stack up a fat turd of a beat. I hear it all the time.


The rapper he puts on THIS particular beat.
He better be a bad mother fucker.
Because this beat IMO is pretty stale in terms of arrangement, cresciendo and dynamic excitement.
I'm a classically trained musician. Who has recorded a lot of rap recently for customers. Therefore I have been subjected to listening to lots of it (I don't mean that as an insult, its just not my flavor), especially sounds that my customers liked. And I'm sorry, I have never heard any dynamic changes in any rap.
In Tune Audio said:
I'm a classically trained musician. Who has recorded a lot of rap recently for customers. Therefore I have been subjected to listening to lots of it (I don't mean that as an insult, its just not my flavor), especially sounds that my customers liked. And I'm sorry, I have never heard any dynamic changes in any rap.

Well thats a shame In Tune :)
I'm sorry to hear that. :D
That is a shame. Good sounding rap tracks move like real music. :)

Dynamic ups and downs as fin alluded to.

Twista - Overnight Celebrity, Kanyes - Jesus Walks, All falls Down.

Just 3 off the top of my head...

Lean Back ebs and tides.

Matter of fact one of the FOH engineers I looked up to who mixes Earth Wind and Fire was featureds in PSN for his mixing of 50 Cent. and he stated he mixes (like I do0 with dynamics in mind. Not everythng on 10 for the Live hit. :)

If there are no Dynamics, the track really gets boring FAST!!!!!!
LOL. had to listen to it again.

The catholic vox intro is nice. basic drum beat. Just wanna hear the rest of the track.

So it really isnt saying anything to me yet. Sounds like a basic foundation that one could rap to. My 80's vibe comment was on the sounds.

So boring??? Incomplete is more like it. :)

So I am waiting for you to finish it before I give a real assesment.
as a beat is what im talkin, and what they are.

When ever i post a new track, its just the beat foundation.

Im just trying to achieve greater quality, cause i want the best when they are to be rapped over.

But could you hear someone rapping over it?

Cause I can.

But maybe im just terrible.

You not terrible. :o

Let me say this.

Between the first beat i heard from you and this last one.
There has been quite a bit of improvement in terms of



Overall feel

When i dis your shit.
Its meant in good intent Zellus.

Keep it up. ;)