It's Down To Two...


New member

I've made my decision - sort of. I've decided I will either get the Kurzweil SP88X or the Yamaha P80.

The guy at the store said (I don't know how much faith I can put into this) that the SP88X has a much better sound and feel. I'm not accomplished enough to tell - they seemed very similar to me.

I've found a lot more reviews online about the P80 - mostly good reviews. Plus, it has 64 note polyphony as opposed to 32, more voices and comes with the pedal. The SP88X has those nifty tone ribbons and two pedal inputs though and (I think) a more piano like action.

I could really use some more input from all you kind folk - I'm a little stuck.


Whoever told you that the SP88X has a more realistic feel than a P80 never played an acoustic piano. Do not trust that salesperson. There is no, and I mean no, keyboard (regardless of price) that has a better feel than the P80. The Kurzweil has a good sound, but horrible action for a so call weighted keyboard. If you have doubts go to a store that sells acoustic pianos, and fool around on one of them for awhile. Then come back and play on both the P80 and the SP88X. You'll find there is no comparison.

I picked the P80 after months of comparing it with the SP88X and RD-150. Be careful about the Kurzweil, they have a history of problems.