Its been a while

Oh, there's a bass at the end:)

I don't know the language but, I would be so bold as to say that the vocals could be clearer. The gits are taking up alot of the overall sound. The drums are on the verge of being an attentive afterthought. Maybe get the D track and bass together and build the mix around that. The gits could be panned more or maybe have one git one side and a variation of the rhythm on the other. The solo sat well with the vocal and I liked the backup vox but, again, it was pretty much all electric rhythm git in the mix. Tighten those boys up and slap them into place.

I think I like the song but, I'm a sucker for lyrics and I couldn't really say;)


Very distorted and not just the vocals. Is there a problem with your conversion? Maybe you ran it too hot somewhere along the chain. theron's right.....the vocals show it the worst but I hear that distortion on the whole thing.