It's about Record Labels...


New member
Hey, awesome guys!
I was just thinking about Record Labels and the recording industry in general…
Is it possible to make your own Record Label and what do you really need for that?
Is it necessary to have some specific profound knowledge or is it sufficient to have lots of money…
Of course everything connected with Record Labels is not that simple… and probably there’ll be no comprehensive answer. But still… Let’s share our thoughts on that.

Sasha :)
hehe...all you need is lotsa of money. You can get all the top notch gear you want, you can pay an engineer who knows how to use it, you can buy anything you want. A great facility at great location, radio air time for your product, publicity, advertising, image consultants, great graphic design, anything. With enough $$ backing you, you cannot fail.

Yes I am being sarcastic. But it IS the truth. All you need is $$.
Yeah, there is a great thread started by JaQsonA1. Many aspects have been already touched. But still not everything is said concerning this field. My question is: ‘Are there some real problems connected with airplay?’
I thought this drawback exists only in such ‘bribeful’ countries like Russia where You are supposed to play for airplay promotion instead of the healthy system where your hits are requested by interested listeners.
So if this problem really takes place there’ll be a setback in my plans. :rolleyes:
ull get payola in every country...sheeet its prob worst in the devloped capitalist ones lol...

ur main problem right out the bat is getting the ball rolling...easiest thing is to hookup with some1 who has done something...hard to create the initial need distribution, but it needs a buzz, so its a chicken/egg situation
That’s what I think
Let’s assume I have a starting sum of money to launch my business. (Anyone can say exactly how much should I have?)
Let’s also assume I’m an aspiring sound engineer, my sister is an aspiring musician too (gets good results), my friends are musicians as well. So we see there IS a studio with all essential things within it (pro equipment, stuff). Let’s go ahead.
We do all formalities like registering, signing contracts to turn it all legal.
Then we start working on our projects.
Let’s imagine we recorded a real masterpiece – our first Record Label’s CD.
Then we think of that notorious Promotion. What we do? Firstly we register our materials within the copyright office and affiliate with one of the performing rights organizations. We offer our hit songs to radio stations and those guys think its their format and do a try. Let’s imagine we get somewhere some more money to shoot the first video (as a support) for our ‘child’. And… Bingo! People like it. They request it all the time!
Yeah, it didn’t take too much money but you see – if it’s good, its good (we just created the very great hits!).
As people are interested they want to listen and to see and just to know more ‘bout our ‘product’. So we get connections in television, the press. We get more and more royalties (a pleasant thing, right? )
So why not sign a contract with an agency booking gigs and perhaps tours? We know our project is successful enough to invest more money for deriving benefit in the future… You see and so on and so forth…
Finally we have: money, credits, Name and experience. These are essentials for getting power as a Record Label. We don’t stop but keep investment of our creativity, experience and money in other projects. We grow more and more and can afford guiding our own RL’s departments…

Ain’t a greatest-bestest road to a full-fledged Record company? So you see the biggest part of success depends on those ‘Hit songs’… and some starting money and… may be something else? Share Your thoughts.

And if you think I’m just a naive 18 –years-old girl that goes crazy from her dreams, in all 100 per cent you’ll be right.

PS: and please forgive my English, OK?

You are lucky that the market is still emerging/developing in your homeland and does have room for growth unlike here in the US where it is oversatuated. But remember talent alone doesn't always win out. I have no good advice for you seeing as I have NO idea how the music scene is over there.
Dreams are only stupid if you give up on them.
Look at Roc-a-fella records. They started out as an indy label and now they're one of the biggest record labels around. I don't think they had alot of money either, probably got alot of business loans. I'm not sure though. You'll have to have brains behind the operation though. I know Dame Dash got his masters in business, he may look all thug and shit, but he's probably one of the smartest business men in the industry.