It Was So Bad I Thought I'd Remix It's "acoustic day" in the clinic. Cool.

I'm downloading...and I have to do some work. Then I'll be back. This is the one where the acoustics were kinda' overcompressed originally?

The guitars sound a lot more natural, and the whole mix seems less "maximized," which is a good thing, I think.

AAAAhhhh...boxy distorted guitar (for effect :D). Dude, I like that. If it was in the original, I apologize for not hearing it before. Very cool to my ears.

The only thing that comes to mind in terms of tweaking that I *might* try is to cut a touch of lows out of the acoustics to give them a little more presence, but honestly, I'm not sure it would work with this mix. You kinda' need the lows from somewhere.

Anyway, that's totally nitpicky stuff, in my opinion. It's better, and I liked it a lot before.
Rhythm guitar

Good work.
For the most part, I really enjoyed listening to this.
However, the rhythm guitar (which is the glue that binds this) was so dominant that I had to work hard at hearing the other parts, including the vocal at places. Was that a mandolin? Cool!
Maybe it's just my ears or maybe you intended that. If either is the case then...Nevermind. Cause, after all,
what do I know?
Re: Rhythm guitar

Bill Assumpcao said:

However, the rhythm guitar (which is the glue that binds this) was so dominant that I had to work hard at hearing the other parts, including the vocal at places. Was that a mandolin? Bill

Yes, the rhythm guitar is the glue. I did mean for it to be dominant, but realized it could be obtrusive in the mix. I was planning on finding out if the mixing clinic thought the same. I guess you do, that's good.

And yes mando is in there. Tricky, I found mixing a mando can be. So bright that it wants to be heard yet so demanding that it can be too much real fast. Almost like the maple syrup of my songs.

I didn't catch this the first time around, but I like it. That's a real distinct guitar sound ya got there. I thought it brought a lot of interest to the song combined with the mandolin. Kinda reminded me of a Jimmy Page sound. Cool stuff.

Dude..... I love that song. Guitar sounds great. Great pipes too!! Wish I could sing like that. Nice addition with the mandolin.
