It has been a loooong time... but something new.

very good recording well balanced and clean. excellent performance.
I thought that the end was somewhat removed from the songs theme however. then again I am not a fan of picasso :)

Thanks very much!

As for the ending, picture me at 3:00am, awakened from a deep sleep with a harpsichord playing in my head, and stumbling in the dark to tack on that ending. I did it in the dark, half asleep, hoping to capture the unconscious. :):):)

I really like the ending. A good tune and a solid performance. Sounds great too, especially what you did with the vocals. No complaints. Allright, if I am pressed to say something, maybe the acoustic could use a little more "oomph". I don't know what I mean by that but there it is.

I would have to agree.

I really should have left that guitar track for the intro, which I wanted to sound vulnerable, and the choruses, where I wanted it more percussive than tonal, and beefed it up between the first chorus and the second verse.

Fantastic! Absolutely great vocals and harmonies!! Beautiful guitar solo. I thought this was really professionally performed and mixed. I loved the way the song was structured all the way to the harpsichord, bells, and piano, and that really cool drumroll at the very last. WOW!

By the way I am already a fan; I still have the song "So Fine" you posted some time ago, and it is one of my favorites!

Everyone should give this a listen; it's well worth it!

Terriel said:
Fantastic! Absolutely great vocals and harmonies!! Beautiful guitar solo. I thought this was really professionally performed and mixed. I loved the way the song was structured all the way to the harpsichord, bells, and piano, and that really cool drumroll at the very last. WOW!

By the way I am already a fan; I still have the song "So Fine" you posted some time ago, and it is one of my favorites!

Everyone should give this a listen; it's well worth it!


I really appreciate that very much. This particular track was the culmination of some serious thought into the process of being performer, engineer, producer, etc... everything I have done previously was seriously lacking with respect to at least one of those jobs. When I finished writing the song, I did a rough demo, so I had the opportunity to listen and note things I wanted to do differently. The hardest part was mustering the emotional enthusiasm needed to express the same intent of the demo.

I really think I have found a process that FINALLY yields the type of results I have been longing for since the recording bug bit me years ago.

Again, really, thank you!

Nice song. I really liked the harmonies during the chorus. Really great sound. Nice sound on the bass. The electric guitars sounded really nice. Did I mention that the harmonies sounded nice?

The acoustic guitar sound during the intro sounded a bit cheap. I would have tried for a warmer tone. Lyrically it didn't seem cohesive to me.

Weird outro. Not sure if I like it or not. That probably means it's good. Probably went on longer than necessary however.

Good job.
Awesome song dude... I liked everything about it.... nice vocal harmonies, guitars.... cool lyrics... I liked the ending, nice contrast....

A bit more beef to the accoustic maybe?

But damn man! I really like this song. Great performance/recording.
I think the other guyz got it...

The acoustic guitar sounded weaker than the wine at Sunday Mass.

The vocals were clean, strong, and well-mixed. And the harmonies were right on.

I got the lyrics...I am one of the few poets at this site, so i pick up what you are laying down, daddy-o.

The tune reminded me a bit of DC Talk, which is one of my favorite bands.

Oh...And DON'T let drstawl hear your ending. He'll sue you. :D

Good job!

Listening to the RA sample while I'm downloading the mp3.....very good. Good voice, nice chords (I really like the third chord in the chorus) and harmonies. Good clean mix. Hey, what's that? Iron Maiden! (the twinsolo bit), just kiddin' kinda smells like it ;)

So thumbs up!

Ah, I can listen to the mp3 :) OK...I still agree with my aforementionted comments

Two things you should fix though (in my opinion):

- the snare 'fill' at 0:49. It sounds a bit stiff, noodle around with velocity and randomize the timing a little and Bob's your uncle.
-the mix seems to have a lot of very high end. Like you've used to many aural activator/exciter or's a bit too much for my taste. If you can get the mix warmer by cutting some highs or using less *-iters or *-ators I would like it better... :)

But again, good job!
Okay...ummm...this is freakin' great.

Cut the highs some maybe?

or maybe not?

Man, you have squished the living shit out of the mix, but it really doesn't sound too bad (the meters are pegged)...

Okay, you're beyond my help. I thought this was really well done.


[edit] - The harpsicord almost gives it an Aerosmith, maybe too much? "Dream on, dream on...

That was a definite nod to Maiden.

Up the irons!!! :):):)

Third chord in the chorus is an open Am7 with an added 7th on the first string, third fret. I think.

There was no outboard processing other than my mic pre... chalk up the high end to my monitoring system. :(

I plan on recording live drums to this song as time and space becomes available.


Thanks for the nice words!

There is no compression on this mix. I used compression on the bass and vocals only. No mastering at all.

Who is Aerosmith? ;)

johnboy said:
Third chord in the chorus is an open Am7 with an added 7th on the first string, third fret. I think.

Tried it, and individually the chord SUCKS big time. So it must be the other chords....


Hehehehe, just kiddin'...

I did say, "I think." :):):)

Actually, the progression for the chorus is:

Good To Know my own times always so much cheaper
Emin CMaj Amaj7 Cmaj

Here beside the planted and the grown
Emin Cmaj Amaj7 Cmaj

Good to know before I dig myself much deeper
Em Cmaj Amaj7 Cmaj

Here inside the only me I know
Em Bmaj7 Em

It wrote minor, for the "A" but is major. :):)


Good song , great outro

Like they said the acc. guitar is 2 thin, almost harsh.
the groove sounds a bit unnatural/quantizied.
i think's it's the drum, not sure

but the song is prettey good.

Good work!
