Isolation booth please help....


New member
hey i was wondering if any 1 could help me out aite well i wanted to know how much a basic isolation booth would cost just for vocals....

thanks for your time......peace
If you can't put up a permanent booth, think about putting a couple of hooks in the wall corner for some clotheslines and drape heavy moving blankets from them. For $50 you can have a booth that you can put up or take down in 5 minutes and store in the closet between sessions.

Walk-in closets filled with hanging clothes are also great for "dead-as-a-tomb" booths.

In my old house I put velcro tabs up in the bathroom and used WalMart mattress pads for a great $50 booth.

Look around and you can figure out something for nearly nothing....
hey thanks yall that matress thing is a real gooood idea had an idea of mah own i drew on a peice of paper a rough to check prices at mah closest hardware store......thanks gentlemen.....pecae
I made a 4ft x 6ft x 7ft high pro-quality booth for about $700.

Bought all of the materials from Home Depot... except for the Auralex, of course! ;)
Somebody mentioned in the Studio Building forum, I think, that they built a frame out of PVC pipe and then draped moving blankets over it. Just remember you have to do something about the floor reflections as well, if you want a really dead space.

thanks yall for the replys.....prolly gonna make a makeshift booth blankets and umm prolly matress mats somethin i dunno.....
Sof, check my website at There are some studio pics off the project page. I built my vocal booth by packing the ceiling with fiberglass insulation (cheap), covering it with auralex foam (not cheap) and hanging hooks for a bunch of Building 19 sleeping bags (wicked cheap). The pics show the booth partially open, but it can be closed off in 2 seconds. The ceiling tratment and insulation cuts off most of the outside world (I said most), and the sleeping bags, treated with more foam, shut out virtually all of the transformer/preamp hum, fan noise, and other annoying sounds being generated by the studio itself.
It's far from perfect, but a huge improvement on the live room.-Richie