is this really so bad?


New member
My first post . I have a problem. Me and my band have recorded some covers here at my home. I have spent several hour at least to say trying to find good sound for the coversongs, but if im pleased there is always something another in the band complain about. yes first song the choir is not very good, we must make them better athough i cant fix that in the mix.

Im starting to get so boored of it so i want to hear from someone else...what should i think about in mixing this song. Dont be afraid to tell if it sound bad i want to learn and try to make it better

thes 2 songs im pleased with my self but its just me.

Hope u can help

but if im pleased there is always something another in the band complain about.
Welcome to the board, steel;

There are three things that are certain in this world: death, taxes, and there will almost never be a consensus amongst band members when it comes to the mix.

Heck, even amongst the engineers (when there is more than one on a project), they usually will all have done at least something different if they were in the pilot seat. I see this all the time in the new studio. We have a bullpen of five different producers/engineers, often times with some just sitting in on the other's projects just for fun, each with their own ideas. Most of them are good ideas, but that doesn't mean that they should all be used, because they do not all necessarily work together. The guys in the engineer's chair and the producer's chair are the ones making the decisions, not the guys sitting in the back row, as good as they may be.

It's like making chili; everybody makes it their own way and thinks their own recipe is the best. But that doesn't mean that the next guy's chili isn't perfectly fine, just that it's different. You just gotta trust the guy(s) running the project to make something good, even if it's not the way you or I would do it.

Ultimately, one person has to make the final decisions. That doesn't mean that if you are the final mix maker that you don't listen to the others, you should. But it's *your* decision as to just which advice you actually wind up using and how much you use it. If they don't like it, then you can tell them that they can produce the next mix, and they can put up with every one else telling them what they think they should change.

If you were put in charge of the mixing, and you like the mixes and think no more changes are needed, then that should be the end of it.

Everyone will have a slightly different idea of what it should sound like. If you are the guy mixing it, you have to weigh everyone's opinion and see if you can figure out a way to address the perceived issues while still having a cohesive mix. But, if the drummer wants to sound like Ace Frehley, the drummer want to sound like Pantera and the bass player wants to sound like Victor Wooten, it's not all going to work together.

Just do the best you can.

No, the mixes are not bad. The kick could come up on the Gary Moore Cover, but that's all I can see doing to either one.
Sounds great..IMO on the second song i would add more verb to the snare if there is any and turn it up a bit make it more prominent in the mix, then maybe add a little more stereo imaging to the drums and turn up the solo its a little buried in places.