Is this possible?


New member
Is it possible to hook up my interface (that I use for my Sonar 7) to my digital Tascam portastudio?

I'm trying to get more inputs by doing this. Is there any way that I can hook this up together?
What kind of soundcard do you have? I believe that's a preamp...not a computer recording interface? I believe you need to connect it to a proper interface to use it adequately?

I've deleted one of your posts because I suspect spam. I may be wrong, so I'll leave this here for a bit
Is it possible to hook up my interface (that I use for my Sonar 7) to my digital Tascam portastudio?
You need to supply make/model number for both your Portastudio and interface to be able to give a specific answer.

The generic answer is you can do it only if your interface can provide an output signal type that the Poratstudio can accept. For example, if your interface only outputs via USB or Firewire, then your Portastudio would have to accept either USB or Firewire AISO devices as an input option, which I doubt any of they do. If your interface offers analog line out as an option for output, then yes, you could run that into the Tascam.

I have a Tascam DP-02 portastudio and a Tascam US-144 interface. I don't even know what kind of soundcard I have (and just let you know, I'm not going to buy a different one). But it's a Dell laptop with 2.00GB and 1.86GHz.

Pleeease try to help and not just recommend a different soundcard.

All I want to know is, Is it possible to hook my portastudio up to my interface so that I can have more XLR input options.
If you're going to transfer the Portastudio files to the computer later and then mix on the laptop, you can just run both machines at the same time. Because you don't have to worry about tape speeds and syncing reels, your only task then is to line up the recorded tracks in your DAW. A good impulse that is closely equidistant from mics running to each unit will aid in this. If you want me to explain further, I will.
You've got a solution in there, Original Poster.
But if you've taken nothing from the answers above, then the long and short answer to your original question is no.