Is this legal (software on EBAY)?

Not really. It's on a CD-R, meaning it's an illegal copy. I may have to report that one to eBay.
Man, there are tons of those on there too. I emailed one guy and he was very vague about the disks. I didn't think this was on the up and up.
I'd be wary of this one, especially because of the previously mentioned CD-R thing, as well as him having FIVE of them for sale. That just reeks of parrots and peglegs.

Sorry for the bad joke.
What an idiot... he must have never read the FBI warning at the beginning of movies. I hope Propellorhead or Sony or someone sues the shit out of him.
holy shit.. this guy has sold like four copies of Reason already! I just emailed Image Line software also to advise them. I hope this fucker goes down!