Is this humanly possible....


New member
I didn't know where else to ask this but here goes.....
Is it possible to take a hardware sequencer,maybe even a very old one,and modify it's memory somehow?What I mean is to take a number of very large digital samples on a soundcard,about 30 megs, and control the beginning and end loop points of all of them at the same time with a couple of real sliders or knobs added on.This is way beyond my technical abilities.I.m thinking of a stand alone Tambura box,but ten times more realistic than whats available now.I think they only use one sample,if it is a digital sample to begin with.Why not 20-30?they would not have to be tweeked individually.I can do this on my computer now.
Any engineers or tech wizzes lurking about?
I know this is a weird question but I got my soundcard to come up with some bizarre realism recently.
That's essentially what samplers do. You can map different samples to different keys and trigger different samples based on velocity. Check out Gigasampler.

To do what you want just hit all the samples at once and then control the volumes.