Is there anywhere i can get wiring diagrams (on a basic level) MixingDesk 2 Soundcard


New member
Errr thats it really...
We just need to see how you run the wiring from the old mixing desk to the soundcard itself. i.e. do it correctly from the beguining.
Is there a book to show this information that someone without a physics degree can follow??
I'm going in the garden to eat worms!!
Hi Prozak,
What kind of mixer and what kind of sound card are you trying to tie together? With a little more information, We can help you right here. :D

Griz :cool:
Hi first off thanks for the reply to what seems a stupid question!!

I have a 16 track Yamaha desk with direct outs and effects etc. We have purchased Cakewalk and are in the process of learning the package right now. I was looking to get a Wave 496 soundcard instead of the Soundblaster Live Pro thats in my PC right now. OK, we jack the leads straight from the mixing desk outs to the "Breakout" box on the card and record from there?? (Instead of going to the speakers)
Will this be sufficient for us to record a good sounding demo etc. or would the Wave 424 work just as well for us?
Another quicky...if the card only has four inputs etc. I guess you can combine more tracks together within Cakewalk. I.E. If we used all four jacks to record down the drum track....can we then use a similar sytem to record the vocs, guitar and bass??
(I guess so but want to make sure!!)
Can you suggest anything else that will improve our sound etc. or anything we should think about investing in??
We have a big gig lined up tomorrow at the Roadhouse in Manchester, UK, and would like to play again but next time have some CD's burnt ready to give out.
Will we be able to achieve this eventually with the equipment we have/getting in the near future??
Thanks in advance and Keep on Rockin'.
Hi first off thanks for the reply to what seems a stupid question!!

I have a 16 track Yamaha desk with direct outs and effects etc. We have purchased Cakewalk and are in the process of learning the package right now. I was looking to get a Wave 496 soundcard instead of the Soundblaster Live Pro thats in my PC right now. OK, we jack the leads straight from the mixing desk outs to the "Breakout" box on the card and record from there?? (Instead of going to the speakers)
Will this be sufficient for us to record a good sounding demo etc. or would the Wave 424 work just as well for us?
Another quicky...if the card only has four inputs etc. I guess you can combine more tracks together within Cakewalk. I.E. If we used all four jacks to record down the drum track....can we then use a similar sytem to record the vocs, guitar and bass??
(I guess so but want to make sure!!)
Can you suggest anything else that will improve our sound etc. or anything we should think about investing in??
We have a big gig lined up tomorrow at the Roadhouse in Manchester, UK, and would like to play again but next time have some CD's burnt ready to give out.
Will we be able to achieve this eventually with the equipment we have/getting in the near future??
Thanks in advance and Keep on Rockin'.