is there anything fatter...


New member
than recording a moog to friends think i'm crazy because i'm slowing moving from my mac computer to my tascam 38 r2r...anymore i just sit in my back bedroom recording my two moogs to 1/2" tape...i haven't even played guitar or drums in forever it seems...i'm just having to much phatty funness to want to do anything else...
MOOG to TAPE, what could be sweeter
Heh heh , this is funny stuff :D

triple said:
recording my two moogs to 1/2" tape...
So, recording one Moog to 1/4" tape would do it then? (fat density wise, that is ) Right? - Right. :D

But what about purity? !!!!!

triple said:
is there anything fatter?
Recording Hickok HTS-81 To Ampex 1260. No silicon residue and such there , - just 100% Pure Fat.


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