Is there any song subject matter that you find hard to listen to ?

Does that Eddie Van Halen/Steve Vai type crap have a genre name? The only people I've ever known listen to it are people who play guitar, which doesn't say much for its appeal beyond people who want to show off their technical abilities.

That's it exactly. You nailed it. Back in the 80s regular folk liked that music. Nowadays only guitarists like that music, and they don't really like the music, they just like the guitar tracks.
"Blowin' in the wind" is an example of a political song that doesn't preach. I think it is really well written, and is way better than, say, Lennon's "Imagine".
Interesting. I look at it slightly differently; I think it's really preachy, but back door preachy as Dylan is making it pretty clear what he sees as the problem and the solution. I think they were known as "finger pointin' songs" back then. But I think too, that it's really well written and it buries "Imagine" which, to me, is a song fraught with problems !
I don't mind preachy songs per se, it really depends on what's being preached and how it's put across that determines whether I'm going to comfortably listen.
"John the Revelator" (Blind Willie Johnson) are gospel-type of songs that I like.
I have a record by Blind Willie Johnson that's certainly the earliest piece of 'popular' christian music I've come across. It's raw voiced blues from 1929, some of it with his wife. Some of it is really funny but he can get really preachy when he's ready ! He's got the kind of voice that could keep an entire school of rowdy kids in check......
Nowadays only guitarists like that music, and they don't really like the music, they just like the guitar tracks.
Oddly, I love Van Halen's "Women and children first" album, have done since I first got it at the end of 1980. I think the songs are marvelous, but the only actual guitar solos that stand out to me are the ones on "Loss of control" and "Fools". Actually, "Fools" as a song is classic from beginning to end. That's motorway traffic jam headbanging stuff. :listeningmusic:
I actually really like the acoustic guitar songs on the album.
VH I, II, Women and Children First, and Fair Warning. All awesome albums, killer tunes, great harmonies (the underrated Michael Anthony!) and unforgettable pop hooks. You could pretty much throw a dart at any of those records and hit an awesome song.
To me good rock songs are basic simple riffs with catchy lyrics.
Tom petty was a master at good creative dongs that kept it simple.
AC/DC also are masters of coming up with simple riffs that really rock.
One of my good friends in a Van Halen fan, well, an Eddie Van Halen fan. Naturally, he's a guitar player. We'll go somewhere in his truck and he's constantly on the ipod flicking around listening to only solos and riffs. I swear he's gonna kill someone one day. His hunting down Eddie riffs is worse than a teenage girl texting while driving.
VH I, II, Women and Children First, and Fair Warning. All awesome albums, killer tunes, great harmonies (the underrated Michael Anthony!) and unforgettable pop hooks. You could pretty much throw a dart at any of those records and hit an awesome song.

Quick mods, BarryC has hacked fat_fleet's account! :eek:
Not many know this, but Eddie was a huge Springsteen fan and almost left Van Halen to join the E. Street Band.
Haha yeah. Good typo, but not Tom Petty dongs good.

That's another thing about VH. Do they have any fans that aren't 600 years old?
I'll be at my local grocery store and one of the managers there that used to played drums with me will say.
"Hey look, there's roxy" and he'll be pointing at some malnourished toothless hag with sunken eyes and ragged dirty clothes....riding in an electric wheel chair"
I'll say "roxy?"
He says "yeah man you know...the foxy dish that used to dance on top if the speakers when we played that gawd awful van halen song "jump"


Typical female van halen fan in 2014.

Most of them could pass for your grandma if they looked a little younger and healthier.