Is there an EASIER way in Sonar to do this?


New member

I was just listening to Eminem's song with 50Cent on Encore, and 50 emphasizes each word at the end of a sentence. Along with that emphasis, it sounds like the word pans out both left and right.

Now, how I'd do it is cut the word, copy it twice to new tracks, and pan both tracks 100 left and right respectively. This seems like a lot of work.

Is there an easier way? I am using Sonar 3. Is there an effect, some chorus or something I could enable inside the one track?

On 50's CD, if you've noticed, all the verses vocals are straight down the middle, and all chorus' are panned L&R. This would be easy enough to do, as there is usually a pause before and after. Doing this with one word would be tougher, at least for me, since I'd be chopping in the middle of a sentence.


Also, I've always wanted to ask this, how do you get the reverb to "sweep" left to right? I know it's recommended to do for hats, have the click off to the left(if you were sitting in the kit) and have the resonation end up on the right, so as to pull the field together or something. How do you do that?

Thanks again.
Use the effect called FxChorus (I think) and choose the "Wide Stereo Spread"-preset. You can always run two tracks, one with the effect applied and one with out, and do a cross-fade between these two tracks for some interessting effects. A little editing with the FxChorus could be needed to make it sound like you want.

Chorus on a reverb is also a good tip! Wip out those effects and go nuts! :)
A Pan envelope, but it's still a fair amount of clicking to do many words; three nodes per direction minimum, maybe more if it takes more than a simple 'V shape to get a smooth enough shift..(there's also curved line shapes that might help too).

Ooh, bonus idea; Track on a stereo pair, move your head toward one mic or the other... :D
Thanks for the ideas!

I hate to ask, as I'm not near my Sonar3 POWER book right now, and won't be until midnight, so, How do you crossfade between tracks? :) Is there something special that handles this besides using automation and lowering one manually while raising the other? I think the book will have the answer if you guys don't provide it.

Ibrow said:
...Is there something special that handles this besides using automation and lowering one manually while raising the other? Thanks!
Nope (I doubt anyway. :D ). So pan automation on a single track might end up simpler.
Ibrow said:
How do you crossfade between tracks?
Press the X-key (on your keyboard) to enable/disable automatic crossfading, and just move the samples so that they are overlayed.
I was just listening to Eminem's song with 50Cent on Encore, and 50 emphasizes each word at the end of a sentence. Along with that emphasis, it sounds like the word pans out both left and right.

to speed up the process, and to get a more natural feel, you could record the the main vocals as per usual. Once that is done get the vocalist to do his own backup vocals. Get him to sing/rap the last word of each line while listening to it in a set of headphones. Then pan that second track however you like. like I said before, it will give the song a more natural feel and it will be less sterile if you use two tracks that actually differ a bit (because there is no way he'll be able to sing it perfectly twice).

One thing i've noticed is that with the ability to cut and paste tracks, sometimes songs sound too perfect, they lack warmth and are too sterile. ye know?