Is there a more simple way to do this or am I on the right track. (drums)

I have messed with midi on Cubase LE4 with little or no luck.
I have my own samples and I can't figure out how to make a new drum map with them.

I have downloaded Reaper to see if it will let my use my samples with MIDI but have not got to play with it much yet.

So for now I just copy and paste.

Virtual instruments, drum machines, and MIDI are thus far over my head.
I don't know specifically about LE4, but atleast latest full editions should have plugin called Groove agent one. You can put together a drumkit with different velocity layers (I see you have multiple channels of kick, snare etc.).
Yes I do. My samples are like this.
Kick 1
Kick 2
Kick 3
Kick 4
In order of how hard I hit the kick when I recorded the sample. 1=hard 4=soft
All my drum samples are like this.
I played with MIDI drums on LE4 and they are easy to "stack" and copy and move and all that but those sounds will not work for me. I would like to use my own somehow.
I recall I was laying down MIDI drum tracks with a freeware drummachine (had a teddy bear on the front) and I was able to build my own sets within this machine. The problem was I could not recall those sets in a new project. I think that may be a problem exclusive to Cubase so I'm going to poke around in Reaper for a while and see what I come up with.

Been on Cubase for years but am thinking I may just ditch it.
So did you check out Groove agent? From what I understand it makes just what you are looking for. You can load in your own samples and then save the kit to use it again.
Wow! I wish. I cook for a living.
I would upgrade my DAW if I spent that on software.

With Cubase LE4 I cand get to where I have the keyboard on the side of my screen and each key represents a drum sample. What I am thus far unable to figure out is how to create a new drum map using my own samples.
I don't believe Groove agent was around til C5. I could be wrong tho. Even then, I'm not sure LE versions have it either. Again, it's been a while, and I could be wrong.

You may have to purchase software to do what you want. :(
Cubase LE5 will give you a drum editor at least. Way easier than the piano roll for drums. You still need a program that will allow you to use your existing samples. Are they that worthy?

You should post a link to that tune above, so we can get a better idea of what you are after.
Cubase LE5 will give you a drum editor at least. Way easier than the piano roll for drums. You still need a program that will allow you to use your existing samples. Are they that worthy?

You should post a link to that tune above, so we can get a better idea of what you are after.

There is a soundcloud link above the screenshot. Does it work?

I'm downloading this.
New free drum sampler *updated 3/9/2013* - Cockos Confederated Forums

I really don't know what I'm getting into but there's only one way to learn I suppose.

Greg L-
What I want is to do what I am currently doing ("composing" beats) only faster and more efficient.
I know MIDI or whatever medium I end up using will still be work but there has to be a faster was than copying and pasting my samples.
My current method gives me lots of control but sheesh!
Oh and thank you guys.
I swear I am researching. I've been tring to get into MIDI off and on since I started using LE4, but I remain clueless. I can't tell if my DAW is too limited or if I just am not yet able to understand anything MIDI. Just can't get anything to work.
There is a soundcloud link above the screenshot. Does it work?

I'm downloading this.
New free drum sampler *updated 3/9/2013* - Cockos Confederated Forums

I really don't know what I'm getting into but there's only one way to learn I suppose.

Greg L-
What I want is to do what I am currently doing ("composing" beats) only faster and more efficient.
I know MIDI or whatever medium I end up using will still be work but there has to be a faster was than copying and pasting my samples.
My current method gives me lots of control but sheesh!

Oops, sorry I missed that. I would really recommend getting Addictive Drums. EZ Drummer might work easier for you, and it is cheaper. Just doesn't have the ability to sound as good. But either will make your life much easier.

'LE' means limited edition, so yeah, it is limited quite a bit. Cubase seems to have the best editors for MIDI stuff (especially drums), so if you wish to stay with what you know, I would recommend at least getting your hands on a copy of LE5.

Otherwise, you can always try Reaper for free. Not sure how good it is for editing drum stuff tho.

Anyway, I like the tune! I bet you could have created the drum track in EZD and LE5 in about 30 min. How long did it take you, the way you are doing it now?
Oops, sorry I missed that. I would really recommend getting Addictive Drums. EZ Drummer might work easier for you, and it is cheaper. Just doesn't have the ability to sound as good. But either will make your life much easier.

'LE' means limited edition, so yeah, it is limited quite a bit. Cubase seems to have the best editors for MIDI stuff (especially drums), so if you wish to stay with what you know, I would recommend at least getting your hands on a copy of LE5.

Otherwise, you can always try Reaper for free. Not sure how good it is for editing drum stuff tho.

Anyway, I like the tune! I bet you could have created the drum track in EZD and LE5 in about 30 min. How long did it take you, the way you are doing it now?

I did this song a long time ago but I would say it takes me about two hours to do a beat if there be any trial and error involved...and there always is.
I totally thought you were editing acoustic drums.

But I agree with others, switch over to midi and snag ez drummer or addictive drums.

Considerably faster than what you are doing.

Hey! I'll take that as a complement!
"Switch over to MIDI", you make it sound so simple.:confused:
Great one chord song. (yeah, I said it.) You have three kick tracks but only one bass track. My point is, you have no real bass frequencies in this song at all. The bass is playing that up and down syncopated hook throughout. The drums are fine. simple is always better. I recorded about thirty songs in Bristol, Tennessee using only a bass drum on 1 and 3 and the snare on 2 and 4. Bring in the bass player and have them do a plucked whole note at the beginning of each measure. That should do it. Good Luck,
