Is overdubbing possible on mixdown recorders?


New member
Forgive my completely stupid question, I'm sure I know the answer but just need some verification. I am a "former" portable multitracker user where everything you need is in one place, mixer, recorder, cd burner, overdubbing, etc..

Now I am spreading out and wanting better quality with my recordings. Here's what I am doing.

Intimate 2-4 track recording of acoustic guitar.

I now have all the components of this except the mixer and recorder part (duh the multracker would have done this).

I have the mics (neumann 85 and 86), and the 2-channel preamp (Grace). SO I still need a good mixer and then of course the recorder part. I would like to keep them seperate for flexibility and simpleness.

My idea is to lay down either the lead part or the rythmn part first depending upon the song, and then overdub the 2nd part. And if it neds be, add maybe a third overdub of mild bass or mandolin or whatever. But mainly just 2 guitar parts.

I know a mixer is needed of course for panning, EQ, volume, etc... But where I am getting lost is the recorder part. What can I use?

Do DAT machines allow overdubbing? Do harddrive recorders allow it also? Do they make a recorder that records directly to a compact flash card or the like? Do these standalone recorders allow editing functions like cut and paste? Do they allow you to insert silence at the beginning and end?

And then when I want to lay down the 2nd track, which part of the chain do I monitor so I can hear the first recorded track while laying down the second? Would I monitor through the recorder headphones or would I bring the signal back through my mixer?

As you audiophilies can see, us all-in-one-multitrack users are really handicapped when it comes to understanding how this stuff works. I see lots of DAT machines on Ebay but I don't knwo their potential.

Lots of questions I know. I guess the easy way to answer my questions is if one of you experience pros could just tell me how you would handle this type of recording situation, and what seperate components you would use, but no computer please.
You DON'T want a DAT. No dubbing allowed (unless you're in Jamaica) with one of those. You have some great mics and a preamp, I'd get a decent sound card and recording software and do it in a computer. For what you describe you want to do, that would be the way to go in my humble opinion. You wouldn't need a mixer for that as you could mix in the box (with the minimum number of tracks you say you want, summing shouldn't be an issue). Search this BBS for ideas on both sound cards and recording software. LOTS of ideas around here on those subjects.
I don't want to mixdown to computer, there is an issue with space. My recording room is small, and I don't want to have to sit in front of my computer to overdub.

The only method of taking to computer would be to mixdown to a recorder that uses compact flash cards, as I have a card reader. But the only mixdown station I see that has CF cards is the Marantz PMD670.

Ok, so DAT is out of the question. Thankyou, that rules out one possibility. SO that leaves either harddrive, CF card, or CD recorder like the Masterlink. The recorder must have editing functions and overdubbing feature.
Wow, the possibilites are starting to underwhelm me.

No DAT, no Masterlink...

So all I got left now is either a CF recorder like the Marantz PMD670 or a harddisk recorder?

Any reccs on a good harddrive recorder that can overdub, dit, cut paste..etc..
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Also, I see the Marantz 570, a rack space version of the 670 without the preamps.

And the 420 also is new.

Marantz is looking pretty good. Can record to CF cards or mini-hardrives.

What do you guys think of these as mixdown decks? Then I could easily take the CF cards and dump to my DAW.
HD24..They are now about 1500.00...I paid 2000.00...but I got the rebate 100.00. :) They have a newer version that is 96 capable and that is 2000.00 now..However the 48 is 1500.00..So easy to use a idiot could record with one!I know because I'm a idiot :D LOL