Is one Fostex digital tracker better than the other?


New member
I'm thinking of getting the MR-8 for recording away from my computer, then porting over the tracks to my computer for the actual mixing.

Is there any difference in recording quality betwen the MR-8, VF80, VF160 an upwards etc....??? or is the end result the same, but the higher end ones come with more effects, CD-burner etc...

What I mean is, will a plain recording, sound any better or worse between them? I'm usually only recording one or two tracks at a time, and I don't need the effects.
The MR8, VF80 and VF160 are all 16bit 44.1khz uncompressed recorders. The question then arises about the signal chain between the XLR inputs, via the AD convertors, etc, and onto the SmartMedia/or HardDrive. Neutrality in the circuitry would be key to having a level playing field, assuming, as you do, that effects will not be introduced.

I would suspect the preamps in the VF80/160 are a step up from the MR8, but that's an assumption. I think the "feel" of the VF80/160 units is a notch higher than the MR8, but this may not affect sound quality.

Yours is a great question, which is why I always enjoy getting insights from techs who open these machine up and know what the actual components inside are.

Even so, as a Vf160 owner, I'm going to say that just recording a vocal, or acoustic guitar, with no effects, and done properly, few would be able to tell the difference between any of the machines in question... The truth is, I'm finding most differences that some declare as blatant to be very, very subtle. The arguments on external preamps alone would suggest huge audible differences between models X and Y. While differences in s/n tend to be obvious, other differences are becoming less noticeable.
As billisa said, most will produce very good results. Much of the quality of recorded data is based on mics used, placement, and room accoustics. These things will many times far out weigh the differences between digital recorders, all of which record at 44 KHz 16-Bit.

You may wish to consider downloading N-Track as your PC sequencer... Very much loved, works well with MR8 files, and about $40. is the address, I think.

i have imported .wav files into n track from my guitar players recorder, which is a very expensive X brand recorder, and used files recorded from my mr 8 and imported them into n trak. There is no difference to my ears between the wav files coming from very different machines????

just my opinion
Thanks for the input guys. I do use N-track and its fantastic and the MR-8 seems like it will do the job nicely.

I get tired of all the problems with computer recording such as computer lag/driver issues, noise from the fans etc..... that I really want do it on a separate recording device, then use the computer for effects, mixing etc...
nkay said:
I get tired of all the problems with computer recording such as computer lag/driver issues, noise from the fans etc..... that I really want do it on a separate recording device, then use the computer for effects, mixing etc...

I'm using a VF160 because I like dedicated Hardware that doesn't crash, has actual faders, makes little noise and is very portable. However, for edits, click and drag on PC's has got to be tops. When it comes to editing, the VF160, or any hardware recorder, is closer to an analogue approach, though FAR superior to using a razor blade and cutting up tapes. I love the editing results I get -- seamless, no clicks or pops -- but moving things on a big screen is way better.