is my comp. too slow?


New member
hey guys..i just found the site for ntrack..i hear great things about it...but heres the deal, my comp is pretty slow, but i have a lot of memory on it..i dont know any of the specifics like the sound cards or speed or anything..sorry, but would ya not recommend this for a slow comp? i dunno lol
Well, you're going to have to learn all those specs. "I think it has a lot of memory" isn't enough to go on :)

If you're going to record on the computer, then be prepared to become quite knowledgable about computers. The first step is to learn as much about the one you've got as you can.

The ability to record on your PC has little to do with the software package you choose, although some might perform better than others in certain areas. Your success rides on the ability of your machine to handle very large streams of data reliably and efficiently.

Your sound will also be very dependent upon the soundcard that you have. A soundcard is a glorified A/D/A (analog->digital, digital->analog) converter, and the process of converting an analog signal into a digital one and vice versa is probably the most important thing to consider when recording on any digital platform.

You've got a lot to learn, but hang in there. I suggest you visit some of the forums below this one, most notably the Computer Recording and Soundcards forum.

Here are the things that you NEED to find out about:

- Your processor type and speed.
- Your memory size.
- Your motherboard make & model or at least the chipset on the motherboard.
- Your hard drive size and speed (5400RPM, 7200RPM).
- Your soundcard make & model, and whether it's really a soundcard or something integrated with the motherboard.
- Optionally but important, your video card make & model.

Then you need to ask yourself:

- How many tracks do I require, and of what quality (e.g. 16bit/44.1khz, 24bit/48khz, etc).
- How many realtime effects do I require (this might be a hard one).
- How many sources am I going to record at once? What kind of sources?
- Am I only recording analog sources, or am I going to use MIDI?

Good luck!

Slackmaster 2000