Is it the sound card?? *audio clip*


New member
My vocalist is using a Shure SM58, thru a Behringer mixer using Cubase on a PC.
The sound comes out really thin and harsh sounding.
I've tried EQing and using a tube compressor but it still sounds thin no matter what I do. She's also tried singing closer to the mic, but as you can see from the recording, she overpowers the mic. If she backs up from the mic, she gets lost in the background.

(this is the EQ'd version after messing around with it for 30 minutes)

Can a crappy sound card be the cause of this?
She can't get 24bit out of it & it's probably the factory card that came with her computer.
Or am I just expecting too much from home equipment?
better gear, better sound.
a stock 16 bit card will do as you expect
perhaps some outboard gear before it hits the PC
train her to a pop screen
digit said:
My vocalist is using a Shure SM58, thru a Behringer mixer using Cubase on a PC.
The sound comes out really thin and harsh sounding.
I've tried EQing and using a tube compressor but it still sounds thin no matter what I do. She's also tried singing closer to the mic, but as you can see from the recording, she overpowers the mic. If she backs up from the mic, she gets lost in the background.

(this is the EQ'd version after messing around with it for 30 minutes)

Can a crappy sound card be the cause of this?
She can't get 24bit out of it & it's probably the factory card that came with her computer.
Or am I just expecting too much from home equipment?

The best idea I can come up with without spending alot of $$$ is to invest in a Condenser Microphone. Your vocals will sounds fuller I promise.

With a little more $$$ you could add a preamp in the chain before your mixer even fuller vocal.

Add some more $$$ to that and get a better soundcard and youll get a better all around recording.

And lastly with some more $$$ of course replace the behringer mixer with another one of better quality.

It is possible to get quality recordings with what you got you just need experience. It is easier IMO to get quality recordings with better equipment.
digit said:
The sound comes out really thin and harsh sounding.

From the clip, it sounds like you're distorting either your mic pre's input or the sound card's.

You need to pay proper attention to gain staging before you do anything else. You can worry about replacing the Behringer crap later; although it's never too soon, I suppose.