Is Cubase SE worth the purchase?


New member
I have been looking at the features cubase se has and I think it would be a good buy for $99. I've already used Cubase SX 3 and enjoy the features, but I am concerned about the features of Cubase SE and have questions before I make a purchase.

Before I list the questions I just want to give a brief insight into what I want to do with the program. I want to be able to record multiple tracks of guitar (distorted/clean/acoustic), vocal tracks, VST Midi instruments, and be able to use basic editing features to mix and master my music. I want to learn the art of audio recording and I have a good enough computer with enough power to do so, and this program seems to be right around my budget.

I am fairly a beginner so please bear with me. Here are my concerns based on the feature comparison chart at steinberg's website (

*all of these questions refer to features NOT included in Cubase SE*

1) what does FX return do?

2) What is studio connections RECALL+AUDIO?

3) What does it mean by external FX/instruments? Like hardware FX/instruments or routing other soft-synth fx outside of the program?

4) What are workspaces (virtual desktops)?

5) what is 'stacked' recording mode?

6) Can you do volume envelopes at all in SE?

7) what's logical editor?

8) is midi device map really crucial?

9) what's dithering?

10) anything else I should know before purchasing Cubase SE?

here is something im gonna say thats true, save your money and buy SX 3 or SX 4 when it comes out, way way more features, LE is bland...
he said SE not LE. And he's just starting out. I think SE will be fine for you to get started on. You can always upgrade later on.
Go for it mate it is well worth it and can do far more than most all in one recording hardware devices can do. You get 24 track of audio and loads of midi taracks , 16 vst insts. and loads of vst fx.
If you reply to me diraect i will answer most of your other Q's
Keep legal and support CUBASE the KING of DAW's
At this point...

spend the extra 50 dollars or so and get SE3. The older SE is what retails for around $99. The new SE3 uses the same engine (and has many of the same features) as the SX/SL 3 suites.
SE is great and well worth the price, plus you have a bunch of really cool people on this board that have a boundless supply of helpful tips when needed.
where can I get SE3? It seems that most stores only carry regular SE. And Cubase's feature chart at Steinberg's website already mentions all the features in SE that is the same as SE3, unless they are referring to SE3...
How About Cubase LE?

Kevin DeSchwazi said:
Another very satisfied SE user here.

it apparently comes in a bundle with many audio interface devices. I think SE comes in some too.

is Cubase LE as satifactory as Cubase SE? thanks!

billy3000 said:
it apparently comes in a bundle with many audio interface devices. I think SE comes in some too.

is Cubase LE as satifactory as Cubase SE? thanks!

I've never used LE but it does seem quite limited, in particular you can only use 2 inserts per track and it only has 4 sends (in SE you get 5 inserts per track and 8 sends). It's MIDI features are prettly limited also if that's your bag (only two instrument slots and 0 insert plugs).

Is much better - uses the same engine as the new SX3 and SL3 and has the same look/feel of the professional level packages. It's really a nice program and I am going to upgrade from my current SE soon.

Ok, Thanks Guys

<<Bill, I've never used LE but it does seem quite limited, in particular you can <<only use 2 inserts per track and it only has 4 sends in SE you get 5 inserts <<per track and 8 sends). It's MIDI features are prettly limited also if that's your <<bag (only two instrument slots and 0 insert plugs
ok, thanks for the info. thanks toyou and the other gent as well.

I wonder why they use an inferior product as part of a bundle. duh, right?
the entire concept of the retail industry is mind boggling to me and always has been.

why would anyone even MAKE a crappy version? to sell, right? ok. but that makes me pretty insecure about that corporations respect for and desire to help professional musicians.

if it's a kid toy, cool. but it would be nice if they put that on the box.

sorry for the rant. and thanks for the info!
I think LE stands for Light Edition, and thats what you get. Its for people who maybe are beginners and/or can't really afford to splash out on something like SX if they don't know how long they are going to be into it for. It makes perfect sense. Accessible to more casual users or learners, so they can decide of they want more later. It basically just 'the budget version' I guess.