Is Buying a second hand mic worth it?


New member
Hi all,

So I found this guy selling an Rode NTG-1 for a really good price. (In american dollars, basically about $90)

I can't think that there is much danger in this, as if it works when I buy it, the only way it could stop working is if I mistreated it. Is that right? Or is having a warranty worth the full price? What can go wrong with a microphone actually, they are pretty mechanical aren't they?

Thank you! :)
Is Buying a second hand mic worth it?

It sure is!
The vast collection of microphones that I have acquired over the years have been purchased used.
I think maybe two/three out of all of those purchases had minor issues that I worked out with the sellers.
Darn good mic at a very attractive price. The NTG-1 is built like the proverbial brick shit house so there's a good likelihood that it'll be perfect.

Frankly, the only time I tend to worry is for mics designed to be used super close to vocalists. A career of spit can take its toll!
Yeah I got over buying new a few years back. Got my AT4047 half the new price on ebay, and aside from a wonky mic basket, its awesome. Picked up an RNP used in perfect condition for $350, new is $500. Can't really complain!
I'm trying to buy some second hand mics from someone who loaned them to me, but the guy won't seem to let me pay for them....

Henry? :D
Used mics are whats up! I have never purchased a mic new. I have had issues with one mic I bought but a year after purchasing it. I am hoping to fix it when I have the time. Plus buying used is good for the environment! If you buy as many used mic as Henry you can practically save the world!
Second hand is great. I would never personally buy a sm57 without holding it first though.

The reason? They are counterfeit often enough that people have ended up with garbage clones.
The weird thing is that everyone here BUYS second hand mics but nobody (except's always moresound) admits to selling them. Where do all these magical mics come from?
A vast array of places, Bob.
Ebay and Craigs list of course. But then I've found microphones at yard sale, estate actions, studio closures, fellow musicians who no longer need or want their mics.
Heck I even have found some really nice EV microphones in the metal pile at our town dump!!!!

I've had a lot people approach me at the FOH position during shows offering me microphones for sale. Sadly a majority of them are down and out druggies looking for their next fix and selling their prized microphones. This can be a bit tricky though for I don't wanna have a stolen property item in my mitts! So if the deal is to good to be true then I pass on those. Yet a $100. Neumann microphone would be nice.
I was joking Henry...but with a slightly serious background.

All of us here extol the virtues of buying second hand mics--but few of us seem to sell them. My mics are like family to me. Actually, better. My mics don't argue back.

Assuming mic users are a fairly small sub group of the population and that we're typical of that sub group, who the hell is selling stuff on Craigs List and eBay?
Younger disillusion recordist, Upgrading veterans, wifes of deceased musician husbands, store over stock. Etc.
Hmmm...wonder if I should put in my will that when I die, I want my mics in the coffin with me!

Double do you put bass traps in a coffin?
LOL!!! I think that coffins already have bass traps.

Have you seen the new ones that you can down load your favorite MP3 music to play for all eternity?
Haha guys, this thread has had some great comments! :laughings:

And thank you for answering my question, it has made me feel a lot better about it, and hopefully soon I'll be the proud owner of an NTG-1! On a side note, is the NTG-1 any good as a studio or live mic?

Thanks! :D