Is anyone using DXi synths in Sonar XL?


New member
The software synth thing is new to me. Previously I've done all my sequencing on my Korg and then transferred them to the sequencing program on the PC while still using the Korg's patches for the music.

I was just wondering if anyone's done much sequencing using the software synths and if the patches are as good as a real keyboard, and what kind of latency you've experienced, how many different tracks you could use before performance started to suffer, etc... But mostly I'm concerned with the quality of the sounds? Anyone have any tips?...

the full version tassman and revalver were worth the price of admission to me. i heard all kinds of raves about the live synth pro too. using wdm drivers for my soundcard i was able to get down to 5.8ms latency and found that anything under 10ms is playable in realtime for me. both dxi's are top notch qualitywise but i'm not selling my prophet vs or any of my older synth's just yet. the dxi's will give some cool flavors to play/record thru without leaving the digital realm and if you do have latency problems you can always print a midi track first. then assign your softsynth to play it .
Sounds are great!

Although my latency is bad (win98) the sounds are very rich and warm and full. Tassman is very cool. VSC is really good for sounds to. The LiveSynth Pro is just to load Soundfonts without having a creative labs soundcard. The Dream Station has very good sounds too. And the Revalver is similar to a virtual Line 6 Pod.
I think the coolest part is having a virtual synth to create your own sounds with (although I still have no idea what i'm doing yet).
You can also download sounds that others have created off the web.
There are many more synths coming from other companies also.
I will really get excited when I get WinXP with WDM drivers.
I think Sonar with WinXP is going to be great.

Good luck and Keep making music!
You think wrong. WinXP as it stands right now, is horrible with Sonar, and alot of other DAW software. I just went through a waste of a day trying to get XP and Sonar to work happy. And then I install my waves gold pack, and WinXP wont load at all now. Its going to take awhile untill XP is compatible with all our favorite stuff. Back to 98 for me.
You have WinXP?

I thought WinXP comes out in October?
(there I go, thinking again)

Is your copy the final version (and where did you get it)
or a beta version?

Thanks, A1MixMan