Is anyone interested in working on my personal mixes?

  • Thread starter Thread starter andrushkiwt
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Well-known member
Hey everyone, I have posted in the MP3 clinic a few times. I write alternative/rock tracks and I am trying hard to promote myself as a writer, but I am certain that some of my tracks aren't up to their full potential due to my relative inexperience with mixing. I've only been at it for 5-6 months, and sometimes it is overwhelming, especially with work and school full-time. I've had a few offers since then from people wanting to remix my tracks. After long consideration, I am now open to it. Steenamaroo offered a while back and I tried to reach out to him last week asking if he is still interested, but I haven't heard from him. Anyways, I know that mixing can entail lots of re-working of parts, and I am slightly weary of someone altering it way too much - but hey, I can't beat a free mix!

So, if you are interested, here's a link to my own personal mixed and mastered versions...if you hear anything here that you would be interested in re-mixing, please let me know! Obviously, I have all the raw files. Done in Studio One 2 Pro, using Superior Drummer 2, vox w a Sterling ST51, AudioBox USB interface, Ampire amp sim for the guitars. The bass needs a ton of work (physically as well as in the's a used piece and there is a ton of rumble that may be attributed to either the pickups or its clashing w/ the interface). So, if you're up for it, check out the tunes and let me know which track(s) you would actually like to spend time re-mixing. I hope the tracks are to someone's liking.

Thanks everyone!

I'd rather allow someone to choose a song that resonates with them in some way. There are only 4 up at the moment If no one takes it, it's not the end of the world! No biggie really. Just offering since others have asked before. Thanks Pinky
I'll take the first one, or last one. If coerced perhaps one of the remaining two. I try not to listen to the other mixes unless there's some specific reason stated by the author, as to not influence my mix. Not being a dick, truly. Just zip up some stems and post and I'll do my worse.
Steenamaroo offered a while back and I tried to reach out to him last week asking if he is still interested, but I haven't heard from him.

Did you? I didn't see that.
Last I remember you were to get raw tracks sent over?

Maybe an email didn't turn up or something.
Hi there! Just checked ur tracks and I like the second one ! "Your sympathy" If you still want to be remixed I can spend some time on it..Let me know!
Man, hate to raise the dead,,, but dude your songs are awesome !!! Well written and awesome vocals,,,

I use Studio One 3 Pro,,, be happy to work with you on any song with you... new or on soundcloud already,,,

I play lead, rhythm, bit of piano, and keys as well, some vocals as well, lol,,,
I came here because I've been a member for a while, but haven't gotten into this forum much, thought I'd see whats up here, lol

You get this Send me a PM,,, Or just respond here,,, Doesn't matter to me, it's all about a start sometimes,, :D
And I find this thread now because of the bump ;)
@andrushkiwt if you see this and still are up for a mix, could I give a try on Hearts Collide? cheers if you see this PM me thanks!
Yeah,, I wasn't raising the dead,, it was just a bump !!! lol,,,

Hope he sees this, lol
woah, thanks for all the offers. i completely forgot about this thread. it was started last year when the mixes weren't really what they could be...though there has been much improvement since then. They've all been remixed by me and are a far cry from how they originally sounded. definitely not perfect, but a huge improvement. I do think Hearts Collide could use some work, so I understand why you picked that one!

For the time being, I'm going to keep working these myself. i'm flattered by the compliments. thanks a lot!