Is a 10" speaker enough?


New member
Due to volume constraints I'm looking for a small amp to use in my apartment.

Volume is a major problem actually so I'm definately getting an iso box of some sort to keep things nice and low. Hopefully low enough.

My question though... Is a small quality amp with 10" speaker (inside an iso box) enough to mic and get usable results from? Maybe layering tracks might thicken things up too right?

I'm playing metal mostly and a little blues.

I'd love to hear details from anyone with a similar situation.

Thanks. :)
A quality amp (valve?) with a ten inch will do the job nicely. Jimmy Page used one with a tele for many of his guitar solos, and you can actually get a really pleasing sound....plenty of treble, slightly 'boxy', but in a good way.
Consider a effects unit like a Line 6 POD and then use headphones. That gets very good sound and zero noise to others. You can also connect such setups to your PC and use your PC speakers. That way practice, with MP3s, becomes very easy.

i had a friend over to record some guitars and he brought his mesa boogie rectifying recording pre-amp. the thing is sick. gobs of tone and overdrive, and a line level output! beautiful, giant sound.
Something esle tro consider with an ISO box, you generally want to build the box around a speaker, not an amp for maximum size/ isolation.

Make sure youa re dealing with an amp with speaker out options (or are ablw to rewire appropriately) and then build your box around a speaker, 10 inc, 12 inch, whatever you like (or allow for switching out multiple speakers for different sounds) and then just have the speaker cable come out of the box to go into the amp. This is good for tube amps as well becuase then you do not have to worry about the tube amp getting too hot inside the box. Keeping the space smaller for the speaker also gives you some leverage to build a box within a box for it, with something uncoupling the two (mount on rubber or something, I am sure someone who knows better than i could elaborate) and get better isolation.

Good luck,
Thank you 32-20-Blues, xistenz and daav. You have given me some food for thought, getting a speaker isobox sounds sweet but way out of my range here in Brazil although getting one made might be possible. I forgot that overheating might be an issue, thanks for the tips.

Ed Dixon, I'm already there brother! :D I bought my PODxt a while back and loaded it with all the model packs. I love the damn thing but I'd really like to experiment with a "real" mic and cab scenario.

I´ll tell you one thing about the PODxt that I read in a forum a few days ago that got me thinking. A GT-8 user commented that the xt sounds overly compressed and mastered. I think he's got a point there. I decided to stop using the onboard stomps, compressor and post EQ and stick with just the amps, cab selection and gate.
I bought a used Boss GE-7 for pre EQ and clean boosts. I'm really enjoying this simple setup.
etnoziroh said:
Is a small quality amp with 10" speaker (inside an iso box) enough to mic and get usable results from? Maybe layering tracks might thicken things up too right?

I have a peavey classic 20 with a 10" speaker and it sounds good to me on the recordings I've done. However, if you turn it up, it's still too fricking loud for apartment living methinks. I'd hate to live next door to myself.

As for playing out, I think that a single 10 hurts it. With a 12 I might be able to get by. But for in the house, I think that thing sounds great. I think I've had it for more than 10 years.
etnoziroh said:
I bought my PODxt a while back and loaded it with all the model packs. I love the damn thing but I'd really like to experiment with a "real" mic and cab scenario.

Most of the time I just run my XTL direct to the PC via USB. That's fast and easy, results in low volume for practice, and works well with MP3 playback.

I too have most compression turned off, and only use the EQ on a few presets.

I prefer 10"'s for everything ..... live ..... recording ...... guitar ...... bass ...... 10's are where it's at
etnoziroh said:
Thank you 32-20-Blues, xistenz and daav. You have given me some food for thought, getting a speaker isobox sounds sweet but way out of my range here in Brazil although getting one made might be possible. I forgot that overheating might be an issue, thanks for the tips.

One thing to consider, an ISO box can be jsut a plywood box with any 10 or 12 speaker mounted inside, a stand or mount for a mic and holes for cabling. Build this to have a failry tight seal when sclosed up. This gets put into a bigger plywood box lined with 2-4 inches of, say, moving blankets or somesuch (4-6 inches of rigid fiberglass on all sides would be great, but you are probably doing well with any mass that wil absorb sound) and again, some holes for cabling, and you are all set.

I'm using my Tele through a 12' the bridge pick up, i think 10' would induce to much treble. Of course it'll depend alot on your pickups. I'd go marshall, just love them.
cephus said:
I have a peavey classic 20 with a 10" speaker and it sounds good to me on the recordings I've done. However, if you turn it up, it's still too fricking loud for apartment living methinks. I'd hate to live next door to myself.

As for playing out, I think that a single 10 hurts it. With a 12 I might be able to get by. But for in the house, I think that thing sounds great. I think I've had it for more than 10 years.

I agree, I have a Classic 20 and it smokes as a recording amp-especially for rock & roll stuff-no distortion pedals needed, this amp has it! I have had good luck with clean funky strat sounds as well with it, and my semi hollowbody is great through it as well. I also like the fact Peavey kept the amp controls simple, the controls on their higher watt solid state amps are damn confusing, and the tone on those solid state amps mostly suck! IMO anyway. Damned if I can figure why Peavey discontinued this amp~ :confused:

There is a output for an external speaker, but I think it disconnects the internal one when it is used.
TelePaul said:
I'm using my Tele through a 12' the bridge pick up, i think 10' would induce to much treble. Of course it'll depend alot on your pickups. I'd go marshall, just love them.

I just recorded a Tele through the Classic 20 with a 10" speaker and the treble was just fine, one lead though the middle position and two leads through bridge alone. I was really pleased with the results and got good responses from others that heard it as well. :D
well keith richards was a big fan of pushing a Tele to the limit...Teles can sound brittle as is, i just prefer a more even sound, because i love using that neck position.